Chapter 8

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In between of watching anime, playing video games, and drawing for my summer break, I tried to type a bit lol. But here, after half of the chapter was just sitting there for about a month I had to add onto it with you all asking me to update. :) Didn't even think this was going to be ranked in Fantasy for almost 2 months, glad you guys enjoy it. I have fun writing down my ideas and see that you guys like em, and support my writing :D <3

Anyways Enjoy! 

(I don't think I dedicated the last two chapters so I will be sending them out randomly!)


My stomach rumbled loudly, growling at me for not feeding it. This wasn't the first time I had starved, I was used to going a few days without eating. I had just gotten soft with Nyx pampering me with all off his riches, that I forgot a few feelings. I sighed hugging my arms around my stomach as I rocked back and forth to soothe it. My back touching the wall every time I leaned backwards. I had pushed the sheets off since I had grown warm.

I hadn't left the room in a day, and Nyx hadn't tried to force me out either. He just told me when the food was ready, but I knew that was a trick to get me out there so his fangs would be in my neck!

I still couldn't fully wrap my mind around it, what the hell were those fangs? Was he some kind of blood sucker? I thought those didn't exist, they were just myths people made up in the southern kingdom. Or that's what Wyatt told me when the others tried to scare me at night with tales. But Brody said they couldn't walk outside during the day, that they were nocturnal, so then what was Nyx?

What was this twisted personality? Why was he nice to me, and now threatened me? I know I shouldn't have messed up. I should have listened and then none of this would have happened...

"Tate." The knock at the door made me flinch. I froze staring at it. I could see the shadow of Huxley's feet at the bottom of the door. My heart throbbed loudly in my ear as I held my breath. I didn't want them to hear me at all. As far as I was concerned, Huxley knew more about the fangs than he acted. "Nyx.. I know he can be a bit rough sometimes but please forgive him. He has poor social skills and doesn't take lightly to liquor. He's just a big baby." Huxley informed.

It wasn't like what he was saying wasn't true.. Nyx had told me himself he didn't know how to talk to people. I didn't know about the liquor thing, had I really pushed him to the edge?

Wait this wasn't my fault! The man still had fangs! He promised to eat me next, and I was just sitting here in his capture.

It was either I left the room to have my blood stolen from my body, or I stayed in here to starve to give them an easy kill...

My eyes glanced over at the window. The curtains were pulled back slightly to give this room light. It was still day, but not for long. The sun hid behind the trees only giving out light nature allowed. The blue sky was now orange and pink. The nature around it only able to take the dull color amongst itself making it slightly darker outside than usual.

"Listen Tate," Huxley sighed at the door. I pushed from the covers quietly as I tipped toed to the closet changing out of my pajamas and into something fit for outside. I wasn't going to stay here and be eaten. "Nyx left into town a few minutes ago. So if you want, you can come out now and eat before he gets back. We could even talk about the current situation at bay."

There would be no need for talking, especially not to Nyx. I only took what I wore not wanting to take anything from here. I would head back home, beg my father if I could stay. I would work double if I needed to, just don't send me back here.

I moved to the window quietly as I stared back at my door. It was a few seconds till Huxley sighed to himself and walked away. Hurrying, I undid the locks to the window but tried to stay quiet. The window only creaking lowly at the gentle push from my hand.

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