Chapter 1

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Finally, This story has been on my mind forever since it's also connected to Alastair! :O

I hope you enjoy but some things might change later on in the story. Maybe.


"Please go sit down." My brother sighed rubbing his hands over his face. The house a riots like usual. The small wooden cabin space taken up by 12 kids. And most unfortunate for my mother, we were all boys.


I waited at the large table that took up most of the kitchens space as he cooked. My younger brothers running around widely in their underwear than listening. The other three sitting as our two oldest were already out at the farm working.


Brody was in charge of cooking while they worked and Dad worked out in town. I wasn't the oldest, but I wasn't the youngest.


"Tate please help me." Brody glared. I sighed standing from the stump I called a chair. The rags on my shoulders slipping off my shoulders as I had to pull them back up. The clothes I wore were once my oldest brothers. With little money and not wanting to waste what we're already had, mom said to pass down the clothes. When she would get enough material to sew It always went to my older brothers for special occasions or the youngest. We would just have to wait till we were old enough to move up into different clothes.


"Ryker, Kai, Gage sit down!" I yelled at them as they horse played. They knew this wasn't allowed yet they continued to do so.


"No!" They giggled running.


"Hey!" The front door swung open. Wyatt heading in at all the noise. "I can hear you little shits from the Barn! Sit down!" He yelled. Quickly they ran to the table taking a seat. Wyatts clothes and body covered in dirt but that was usual.


He sighed heading back outside, a quick glare shot to me and the kids before the door shut.


"Here." Brody handed Kai a plate first.

"How comes he goes first!"

"Cause I'm the youngest!"


"Shut up!!"

I sighed taking a seat as I waited to get my food.


"Sorry Tate." Brody apologized but there wasn't much sincere in his voice. "We're out of Eggs. Go ask Wyatt if the chickens laid any yet." He demanded. I nodded taking a stand as I headed to the door like told and out to the barn.


"Wyatt." I called. He stood by the barn. His 6'4 figure matching the horse as he petted her. Sighing from my voice he looked over to me. "Brody ran out of eggs-"


"The chickens haven't laid eggs in two days." He stated clearly. I nodded at him heading back to the house to inform my brother.


Maybe I could eat some hot cakes if I got lucky? We had plenty of flour but Dad did say to save that for bread only.


The cabin wasn't big. There were cracks in the wood where you could see in. The rooms all to the far back as the kitchen and livingroom were damn near the same place. Snickering could be heard as I grabbed the handle to make my way back in.

"I thought we were out of eggs?" I could hear Colton's voice. Like Brody he was older than me. The snickering continued.


"Of course we aren't, I just wasn't going to feed that bastard of a child the last three eggs. And Grayson told me last night one of the chickens were sick. So they're none outside." Brody laughed darkly.


"Ohhh give me the eggs then!" Ryker begged.


"No shut up, I get them since I cooked." He snorted. They all laughed as they sat there starting to eat. I released the handle walking around the house to the path Dad took every morning to work.


It was fine. I should be used to this by now. It didn't matter if I ate just as long as they did. I turned off the road once I found my trail. I head down to the small pond taking a seat with my feet in the water.


The cool water around my feet soothing me. It was my spot away from the world. Somewhere I didn't have to worry about being compared to my brothers. Where I didn't get picked on or hated. But even still...


I stared down into the water.


An orange headed boy stared back at me. Deep green eyes lost from the world. Smudge of dirt over my skin as the too big for me clothes hanged off me.


Unlike the sunlight brown hair my brother's and father had, it was the only thing that stood out about me. The pile of tangled orange straw they called hair on my head. Out of the twelve, I just had to be the one with it.

But I was mothers son, and Dad was my father. I just knew it. I wasn't going to stop believe that no matter what.


Been Wanting to start this forever! But the cover is not permenat still working on it!:D

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