Chapter 3

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Lol Weird that this story is Rank in Fantasy and Above Alastair XD. Secretly having a war between these books in my head. Haha. Anyways hope you Enjoy this chapter!


I put on the top blouse, the pattern on the shirt thin lines that surface from the chest part and down. The sleeves of their own pattern but same color to blend. It was slightly baggy around my waist but that was fine. The sleeves fit nicely against my wrist. I pulled the pants up. They only stretched down to my knees. The blouse tucking into the fitted pants as I looked in the mirror. The cocoa brown pants complementing the off-white blouse nicely. My orange hair still damped as I grabbed the only comb we had and began to detangle what I could from the curls.

I listened, Wyatt letting the man into the house greeting him. The unfamiliar husky voice slipping past the cracks of the wood. His voice deep, raspy in his throat as he introduced himself but I couldn't quite hear everything.

"Tate? You done?" Brody knocked on the door with a sigh blocking out the other sounds.

"Y-Yeah." I opened the door not bothering to look down the hall where the man would be. I know Wyatt said this was for the best, but I still didn't want to leave.

Brody's eyes scanned my presence before he rolled his eyes walking into the living room. "Here he is, have fun with this idiot."

"Brody." Grayson narrowed his eyes scolding him.

I walked into the living room not knowing what to expect. My heart was racing at all the questions running through my mind. Would it really be alright? What was this person's natural behavior, and why did they want me..?

My eyes landed on the misplaced figure. The tall man stood there, his eyes coming to me without hesitation. His eyes unnatural no matter how you looked at them, they were orange. No one seemed to noticed this apparently. His pink lips curved at the edges against his tan skin. His hair waxed back, strips of white in them though I suppose that's what they called grey hair. Though he had grey hair he didn't look old. He looked around mid twenties, and handsome.

His black collar some kind of leather as his shirt sleeves match the collar. His mid waste outline with the leather as well holding the shirt down. The Pants matching his shirt as the cloth puffed out around his thighs some before the long black boots that stretched up to his knees stop them.

Was he of Royal or something?

"You must be Tate." He stated more than asking making his way over to me. A smiled on his perfect face. He was taller than me obviously, my face only coming to his chest. I stared up at him silently and nodded. "I hope you said your goodbyes properly." He informed. I looked around the room quietly. Everyone was just staring waiting for me to be gone already. They were so excited last night they couldn't even sleep. Even with having the bed to themselves. "Because from now on you're going to be living with-"

I shoved past him immediately running to the door. They screamed my name but that wouldn't stop me. I dashed out the house not caring to stop. The hard nature under my fresh feet didn't bother me either. Couldn't bother me like the way my family didn't care about me leaving bothered me.

The tears from last night came back but I tried my best for force them down. The painful burning of my eyes that started to cloud my vision. Even with my eyes closed I knew the path through the forest perfectly.

I dropped down once there, my legs giving out at the pain swelling in my chest. My throat hurting but I couldn't help it. The screams and cries just came out naturally. My fingers gripping the grass for some kind of sign that this could just be a bad dream.

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