I Like You

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Chapter 5:-
Mia's POV
Why.... Why did he get so angry at me over the littlest thing.
Three days have passed and It's now Thursday and I haven't spoken to him since.

He has been ignoring me and it really hurts. I mean we have been best friends since we were in diapers and now he won't even look me in the eye.
I've had to catch the mono by myself which is really scary. I even cried in the tubes today, which is normal but I wasn't crying because I was scared.

"Mia. Hello? MIA!" Shouted Charlotte. The only friend (besides Alex) who I do not want angry at me.


"You zoned out again. You should really talk to him Mia." Said Charlotte soothingly.

"Yea what happened between you two?" Came the dreamy voice of Alex.

"I honestly don't know. All I did was ask him who he liked..." I said confused.

"Oh..." He replied with a face that told me he knew something.

"What do you know?" I asked like an interrogating cop.

"What do you mean, what do I know?" Said Charlotte nervously.

"I wasn't talking to you Charlotte," I said. I knew now that they both knew who Like liked.

"Can you please tell me." I pleaded.

They looked each other in the eye and said "Nope, we've been sworn to secrecy." In unison might I add.

"Ppppplllllllleeeeeea....." The sound of a short shrill cut me off. The bell.

"Bye," said Charlotte

"Yeah see ya." Replies Alex in a rush as he scooted away from the crime scene.

I don't understand why can't he trust me it's so infuriating, I tell him everything. Well besides that I like Alex, but that's different. Alex is his best friend.
Everyone stared running in different directions leaving me alone in the courtyard. Let me think what do I have next. Oh great English with Miss Newman she's an old teacher but loving, she's got that motherly personality. Also Grace I don't understand what happened the other day. I think I should stay away from her for a bit.
I dawdled along one of the thin tunnels to the old classroom, that smells like feet. Yuck.
As I stood outside I saw grace standing with Bianca.
In case you didn't know Bianca hates my guts for some unknown reason and grace knew that. Yet here she is.
Far up in the distance a plump little figure came waddling along. Miss Newman bless her soul, came towards me with her hands out obviously catching on to the tears lingering in my eyes. They stayed there through my pure frustration of not letting grace win. She hugged, I was grateful but didn't want her pity. i said a sweet," thank you" and continued through the tube.

I walked into the classroom and looked around. My usual seat was in the middle row next to grace so that was off limits. I inspected the classroom and the only available seats were next to Steve who is always sneezing and infecting us all with his germs. Or there was Cassie, who never shut up.
So I had really only one option an that was next to Sally, little miss know-it-all.
I took my seat and turned on the computer which was in front of me while Miss Newman took attendance.
"Class could you please go onto your creative writing stories for your assessment and work on it this lesson."
Huh not so bad.
Just then I got a Message it was from grace, I was scared of what it may say.
My heart beating I opened it up.
-hey b**** how's life going. Maybe u should stop worrying about urself, your so mean - Hate ya grace.

What is her problem?
What did I ever do to her? Yuck. Drama.
So English was alright I just worked on my story which is about the old land, I base it of my dreams.
I just got off the Mono and saw Luke walking in front of me. I immediately ran up to him.
Luke's POV
"Hey you!" An angry voice called out.

I immediately knew who that voice belonged to. I fell in love with that voice. Mia.
I turned around and look into her gorgeous brown eyes but I was mad with.

"What do you want." I said matching her angry tone.

"I want to know why your so angry at me!"

I looked around and noticed people staring and whispering.

"Ugh follow me." I demanded harshly.

I rushed through the tunnel to home with Mia following closely behind.
As I arrived outside of my the dull grey house I quickly rushed inside and ran straight up to my room.
Inside the walls were a medium blue with posters of how the world used to look. Pictures if the Eiffel Tower and the Sydney Harbour bridge. I would love to travel back to see it for myself. But that's impossible, it can never happen and that saddens me.

In the centre of the room stood a double bed covered in my clothes and my books. I had a dresser and a mirror to the side.
Pretty normal I guess.

"Was that really necessary." Mia snapped.

"Maybe if you didn't have to know every single little thing you wouldn't of had to get angry with you", I snapped back.

"Why are you so angry at me? What did I do?" She angrily asked.

"You don't need to know everything that goes on in my life."

Mia stared into my eyes and with a softer voice said "I'm sorry but I don't see the big deal in it. You could've just told me."

"Yeah but I didn't want to and you should've respected that. Even best friends have secrets. I'm sorry Mi Moo."

Her eyes were tearing up as she ran into my arms and cried. Which I was hoping were tears of joy.
Under my breath in a very quiet whisper I said "I like you."
"What was that?" Mia looked up into my eyes once more.
"Nothing." I smiled at her glad that everything was back to normal.

Authors Note:
Hey guys I'm so sorry we haven't updated in a while. We had some problems along the way.
I know this a little bit of a fill in chapter but the next one is much more interesting.
Mia and Luke made up yay!
The next one will focus more back on the past and future and less on the story of Luke and Mia.

Love Tim Tam & Kate

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