surprise! we're getting married

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"Who is getting married?" Gemini's father repeated the question staring at the three teenagers who were smiling at him awkwardly.  "Maybe you should take a sit uncle." Lisa said feeling very amused.

Gemini's father sighed and pulled up a chair and took a sit next to his niece. "So is anyone going to answer my question?" He asked glancing at his son. Gemini let out an awkward chuckle and asked "How about we order something first, I am all of a sudden feeling hungry."

His father stared at him intently. "Okay not hungry?" Gemini asked chuckling. "Gemini don't tell me this is what I think it is?" Gemini's asked with his eyebrows furrowed. "Well this isn't how we planned to let you know but since we are here I might as well let you know that I asked Fourth to marry me." Gemini said as he looked at Fourth. "And he said yes."

His father looked at him with a blank expression and kept quiet for a couple of minutes. Gemini looked at Fourth who looked very nervous. At that moment Fourth wished the resturant's floor could open up and gobble him up, he couldn't even meet Gemini's Father's eyes instead he kept his gaze fixated on his nails that he kept picking.

Gemini put his hand on Fourth's knee that he was shaking, he himself was unaware of this action. He looked up at Gemini who was giving him a reassuring smile, he smiled back and put his hand on top of Gemini's and intertwined their fingers.

After a few minutes of silence Gemini's father finally spoke up. "So let me get this straight, the marriage you were talking about just now is yours?" Gemini nodded. "Are you two insane?" Gemini shook his head and said "I have never been more sane in my life, and that says a lot. You should know you raised me."

"You guys are only 19." Gemini's father said. "Why do people keep mentioning our ages?" Gemini replied sounding a little irritated. "Because you two idiots seem to have forgotten about that." Gemini's father said but then he looked at Fourth who seemed terrified and said "Not you Fourth, I am talking about this idiot son of mine. I bet he talked you into this madness."

"Father I think my 4.0 GPA and other academic achievements would beg to disagree with you." Gemini replied with a snarky smile. "Why are you like this?"  Gemini's father asked feeling exasperated. "You tell me you raised me." Gemini said with a chuckle.

"Can you get serious Norawit." Gemini's father said with a stern voice. Gemini knew that when his father calls him by his government name he better get his shit together. "Okay in all seriousness father, it's true I asked Fourth to marry me because I am serious about him, I am serious about us." Gemini said tightening his grip on Fourth's hand.

"Son I know you are serious about Fourth, but marriage is a big deal. It's not something to play with." Gemini's father said to his son with his voice softened as he saw the sincerity in his son's eyes. "Father I am well aware of the importance of marriage and I am not playing about this." Gemini said earnestly. 

Gemini's father looked at Lisa trying to figure out if she knew about this, it's as if Lisa knew what Gemini's father was thinking because she immediately shook her head and said "I have nothing to do with this uncle, I am just as shocked as you are. I just found out now." Gemini's father let out an exasperated sigh.

He was at wits end with Gemini. He understood how stubborn his son can be, it was probably his fault because he had always encouraged Gemini to stay steadfast in whatever he believed in and to always fight for what he wanted. A strategy that worked tremendously in the past lookin at his son's achievements but now that same strategy seems to be coming back to bite him in the ass.

"You are not going to let this go aren't you?" Gemini's father said looking at his son's determined face. Gemini looked at Fourth and smiled before nodding. That was all the confirmation Gemini's father needed. He looked at Fourth and said softly "Fourth son are you sure about this?" Fourth lifted his eyes gathering up the little courage he had left in him and nodded.

My stupid heart (Gemini and Fourth)Where stories live. Discover now