Anger Management

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Okay, I'm not going to walk through the whole IVF process because all I know is stuff I learnt in ten minutes lols

Let's just say that the IVF implantation happened and was bound to be successful, Miranda was overjoyed despite the fact that you didn't even know if you were pregnant yet. You continued about your days normally, waiting for something to happen, waiting for at least one sign.

You and Miranda went to work like normal, deciding to keep this baby situation to yourselves until you knew that the baby was coming. You were at your desk, working when Robin called you into her office.
" Right, so we have a new case which may result in you and Miranda heading into danger. You need to investigate something." Robin explained shortly. Your heart leapt into your throat, you didn't want that kind of stress, not now.
" Oh, can someone else go on the job?"
" You've never given up a case." Robin said with a quizzical brow.
" I-I know, I'm just not feeling well today."
" You seem fin—"
" For fucks sake! Find someone else! And don't you dare ask Miranda!" You yelled, storming out of Robin's office and slamming the door, heading out the main entrance and settling yourself in a make-do chair in the parking lot.

" Fuck." You mumbled, placing your head in your hands.
"You can say that again." You heard a familiar, calming voice comment. You looked up to meet Miranda's sapphire eyes, kind and a bit amused.
" She's going to fire me." You said.
" Don't bother about that, what did she say to you to get you all worked up?" Miranda asked, sitting down beside you.
" She asked me to work on a case, I refused. She pressed on and on until I just snapped. This has never happened before." You shook your head.
" Oh—"
" And I'm so fucking tired, I could fall asleep right here, and because of that I could faint." You rambled, leaning your head against the wall, sighting the unbearable glare of the florescent lights.

" Y/n, babe, you know what this sounds like?"
" I know, I'm an idiot—"
" I know symptoms when I see them." Miranda smiled.
Your eyes widened. " What?"
" Baby, it sounds like we're going to have a baby."
Your eyes filled with tears, Miranda began laughing, tears welling up in her eyes as well.
" What? Oh my god!" I—" you seemed to choke on your own words and you pulled Miranda in for a hug.
" During lunch break, I'm quickly going to run to the store and get a home test, just to be sure. If it's a positive, then we can book an appointment." Miranda said.
" Good idea, I'll come with you."
" No no, I'm taking you home." Miranda smiled.
" What about Robin?"
" Should we tell her?" Miranda asked.
You thought for a second and nodded decidedly.
" Okay babe, my beautiful wife." Miranda's lips ghosted yours as you pulled her in for a soft kiss, closing your eyes and savouring the moment.

You and Miranda cleaned up your faces but you were both still as giddy as ever. You walked hand in hand to Robin's office and knocked a few times.
" Come in!" She called, you could practically hear the sigh in her voice.
You opened the door and Miranda followed behind you.
" Robin, I've come to apologise." You said calmly, finally regaining that composure.
" For what?"
" Shouting, almost breaking down your door." You chuckled.
Robin folded her arms, getting up from her desk and leaning against the tall drawers.
" It's fine, I found others who could help. If this happens again I may have to send you for anger management counselling, unless you have a good enough reason to justify your actions."
" We do." Miranda blurted.

" Pray tell." Robin gestured to the seats in front of her desk on which you and Miranda sat.
" Well, Robin I know that you know that I have been trying for a baby, before y/n came into my life." Miranda said, Robin nodded.
" Well, w-well, what's happened is that y/n and I have been having IVF treatment, we just finished the first bit and now we have to wait for any signs or results."
" And that's why y/n had an outbreak?" Robin asked, beginning to understand.
You and Miranda nodded, searching her eyes for an immediate response.
" I understand now, and you think this could be a sign?"
" We hope to, there have been other symptoms that have been settling in, almost going unnoticed to be honest." You added.
" Okay—"
" May I take y/n back home?" Miranda asked.
" Fine, Miranda stay with her, you can take today off. You need it." Robin said, dismissing you.
" Thank you." You and Miranda said at the same time, heading out of her office.

Miranda got a test from the store along with a bag of healthy food.
" Lettuce?" You chuckled, looking in the bag.
" Yes." Miranda responded with a confused by growing smile.
" Okay, I'm going to be a rabbit for a few months." You chuckled.
Miranda laughed, kissing your cheek.

Back home, Miranda ran you in a bath of water and you took the test, soon waiting for the results.
That time, Miranda did not join you in the bath for she said that she was fixing you both a meal in the kitchen.
You fell asleep in the Bathtub, the water began to get cold and you were freezing when Miranda found you.
You were fast asleep, Miranda helped you out of the bath, drying you off and dressing you in your pyjamas before placing you in the bed, tucking you under the blankets and kissing your head.
" I love you." She whispered.

" Andy?" You called, awaking a few hours later. It was late afternoon, the sun beginning to dim when Miranda rushed into the bedroom.
" You're awake, baby, you fell asleep. I made you something to eat." Miranda said, gesturing downstairs.
" The test — did you check the test?" You asked in a dazed mumble.
" Don't you want to check it?"
You shook your head. " Please tell me what it says." You said.
" Okay." Miranda left your side, coming back with the test a few moments later.

You searched her face only to find shock, tears welling up in her eyes.
" Andy?"
" Darling, y/n, oh my god." She let out with a shaky voice
" What does it say?" You asked, beginning to lose hope.
" Were going to have a baby."

Dun dun! I already got baby fever at the moment and damn, this is just going to make it more intense, anywayyyyyyyyy, soooooo, thank you for reading — have a good gay-day! Have a good day!

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