Friday: History, Private Study, Football, Maths, English and PSHE

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*Skipping to History as form time is boring*

"Hello and welcome to my super cool history class!" The blond male shouted from the teacher's desk. "Don't worry, it's not going to be boring and about dead people or anything. It's going to be about the awesome history of America."

"Oh boy, here we go.." Anna sighed, resting her chin on her hand. Another America-phile.

"I like him..." Giovanna whispered to her Russian friend.

"Of course you do! I am the hero!" The teacher shouted, causing Giovanna's face to redden. "Anyway, my name is Mr Jones."

"How old are you?" Someone shouted out from the back of the classroom.

"I'm 19." He said, smiling. The whole of the room was filled with 'ooh's and Anna nudged Giovanna.

"He is not old for you! Only 1 year difference!" She whispered and Giovanna rolled her eyes, looking back at the American.

*There is going to be more History later, so we are going to skip to Private Study*

It was supposed to be private study. But of course it wasn't. People were shouting to each other across the room and no one was doing any work. And no one was even listening to the teacher. Correction, no one even knew he was there.

"G-girls, could you just all calm down..." The Canadian tried to speak over the noise but failed. "Oh maple..."

Constance looked over at her "friend" (ohonhonhonhon~) and stood up on the chair.

"Guys, can you all just shut up?!" She shouted across the room, making everyone go silent. "And can you at least just pretend that you are listening to Mr Jones?!"

Everyone went silent and slowly sat back into the chairs. Constance grinned and did the same, continuing with her work.

"Thank you so much Constance!" Matthew said to her. "I don't know what I would do without you."

Constance smiled to herself. Constance: 1 Everyone else: 0


"Why are we having football again?" Xorsheed sighed, rubbing her hand against her arms to try and keep warm.

"Football is fun. Plus we can be the defenders and not do anything." Sarah said, kicking the grass.

Suddenly, the girls heard the whistle and turned around to see a tall, tanned, brown haired man.

"Holy shit." Anita breathed out.

"As much as I like him, he is all yours." Anna said as she ran towards the Spainiard.

Once all the students made a semi-circle around Spain, he spoke.

"My name is Mr.Carriedo and I'm gonna be teaching you football this term." The male shouted.

Anita looked over at her friends, flailed her arms like she needed more air and mouthed "Hot". The other girls giggled as the Spanish man told the instructions.

*later in Football*

Constance was helplessly kicking the ball around.

"Anita, we have to..." Constance began but saw that the girl was staring right past her. "What are you even-"

"Shut up, he is taking off his shirt." Anita murmered, still staring right past Constance.

Turning around, Constance saw the Spaniard doing exactly what Anita said he was.


"Aya! Why are you so stupid?" Mr Wang said, putting crosses all over a girl's book. "In China, we learn this when we are 12."

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