Wednesday: Chemistry, Home Ec, Latin, Athletics, Physics, Magic

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"Dobroe Utro klass." The tall Russian said from behind the desk.

"Dbroe 'tro Mr Braginsky." The class replied in VERY bad Russian.

Everyone sat down in silence and stared at their terrifying teacher. Only 2 people weren't actually scared of Russia.

"How are you today, Mr Braginsky?" Xorsheed (the Iranian, just to point out) asked him casually. The tall Russian looked at her and smiled.

"I'm fine, could've been better." He answered, getting out his books. 

*minutes later*

"Vot kemikals kan kill you vitin sekonds?" Russia asked, ready to write on the whiteboard.

The whole class stayed silent and only two hands were up.

"Da, Anya?" Ivan said.

The other Russian put her hand down and began to speak. "Hydrogen peroxide and pancuronium bromide."

"Otlichno," he turned around and wrote the symbols for the two chemicals down. "Now, Giovanna, kould you kome up here please?"

Reluctantly, Giovanna stood up and walked to the front of the classroom.

"Put your hand up if you're Amerikan," Russia said. Everyone exchanged looks and some people put their hand up. "Amerikans tend to be stupid and the kemistry lab is not a very safe place. So, from now on, every Amerikan vill be paired up with eiter a Russian, Iranian, Chinese or anyting along tose lines."

The class exchanged looks once again and every American pupil sat with someone from a country Russia is/was allies with. 


"Mr Braginsky, how do you make a uranium bomb?" Xorsheed asked.

"Vell..." The Russian stood in front of her and started explaining how to make one in A LOT of detail. 

"Should we call the police...?" Sarah said, leaning over to Giovanna.

"No, they are fine. For now," Giovanna glanced at the 2 Russians and the Iranian. God help them all.

*Home Ec*

 "Idiota! Your dough is too thin," Romano said, taking the dough away from Anita and starting it again while Anita, not caring that he just called her idiot, stared at the extremily attractive teacher.

At the other end of the room, Tabitha was skillfuly "throwing" the dough in the air and then catching it.

"When is your date with Mr. Jones?" she asked Contance, jokingly.

"We are going just as friends," Constance sighed. Why did she even tell her friends that she was going to a concert with Matthew? "Let's talk about something else, something interesting. Like Anna's music lessons."

Anna heard this from across the room and didn't hesitate to express how she felt about that topic. "Oh, shut up. You're so annoying."

"Anna and Austria play the piano in many different ways," Sarah said, smirking.

"Shut up."

"They weren't playing the piano. They were playing ON the piano," Anita added, half-laughing.

"I'm not the one going on a date with a teacher," the Russian said, annoyed. The whole group turned to Constance again and started joking about that instead.

"I hate home ec," Contance mumbled as her "friends" contiuned rambling on about them.


Pfft, like anything interesting ever happens in Latin (hides the fact that she actually likes Latin).

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