Terrible Fan-fiction, GO!

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[So this is a part of a fanfiction I wanted to write for Ava's Demon. Which is a web-comic that I adore. http://www.avasdemon.com/

There now you can read it if you've never heard of it. GIVE IT LOVE.]

The machine started to crack open with flushing lava, and in the mix of melting metal, a silent giggle echoed throughout the now quiet presentation room. Strategos Six, keeping their composure and preparing themselves for whatever creature erupts from the machine, calls for the guards to the stage. They stand at the edge, watching over their miniature army made up of the guards preparing their weapons and aiming at the machine.The giggling grows louder and eventually, there's a moment of silence, and the voice says, smooth and chaotic,


A single hand struck out of the metal walls of the life-changing device with the claws that could cut through air, sharp and delicate. The flesh of the reaching hand looks like the surface of the center of a volcano. When the metal tore open, walking in directional steps towards Six, Ava wore the biggest smile.

Blood red lips that could seal letters and red hair looking of leaves in autumn, Ava's footsteps melted the stage floor. Her pink dress swayed between her now, lengthy legs.

She said aloud, her lips curling at the edges, "Two."

The guards started firing immediately, only to be in shock that the lasers couldn't pass through.

Ava picked up each soldier and tossed them over the stage.


They kept firing even if they watched as fellow soldiers got burned to ashes and chucked away like old trash.


Up until the last soldier, Strategos Six prepared their gun and fired along with their now, destroyed army. Ava arched her back and looked up into Six, close enough and too close to their blue eyes.


In seconds, Ava grabbed Six's throat and with the cutest and most chaotic voice and biggest smile to reach and curl into her cheeks, "Six."

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