lol this is just dumb

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[Another WTF paragraph story thing I found.]

The clanking of the guard's swords echoed throughout the fortress and the clanking didn't help the headache that attacked the prisoner. It's the only thing heard in this well-ordered fort, and it's the only sound that ever gets noticed besides the screams of lost souls that illuminated from the withered stones. This prisoner is always on the line of sanity and wants more than anything in the world, to hear the soft sounds of music; the smooth strings on a violin being played with a delicate hand, the gentle strumming of a guitar, and the flowing notes from a pianist. He is sick of being stuck in a place so dull, a place so filled with the cruelty of shed blood. He is sick of wasting away.

The prisoner's story is something simple. It was a matter of misunderstanding, which is of course any prisoner would say when it comes down to explain their story of how they become prisoners in the first place. Anybody can come up with a story and manipulate it in a way to turn them into victims, however in this situation, the prisoner's story is true and he'll cross his heart to prove it and even die to prove it. Well, maybe not go far as to die, but go through torture or the brinks of survival.

His story begins in a small town and in a regular home. His family's house was made of the regular stone-bricks and thick amounts of straw, which is expected in a town such the one the prisoner grew up in. His mother was fetching delicacies of rich-tasting fish and fruits. His father was doing his job which is being the town's guard. The prisoner was exploring the outskirts of the town which is typically the woods. The tall trees shadowing the dirt roads and the forest floors which was rich in flora of exotic plants. He wasn't heading in any particular direction, some would say this is following your heart but this is not following the heart, it's being blind of where you are going. After a few steps forward, the prisoner, or this time the boy, stumbled into a bit of a ditch and found himself lying on the ground face-to-face at a stone statue of some woman. The woman was sewn into random twirling of cloth and seemed to have some mystical aura radiating from it. The boy picked up the statue and decided to take it to a merchant in the town to see if he knows of such an object.

However, when the boy got to the merchant's doorstep, a guard ran up to him and said that the statue was stolen from a shop in some other distant town. In some miraculous way, the boy was captured and thrown in the town's crippling jail charged with stealing. Soon afterwards, it was soon reported that because of a storm, his parent's home was sent ablaze with both parents inside. With no hope of getting out of the hell-hole which is the jail, the boy is lying wake to dreams of a deathbed.

One day, when the boy was laying on a animal-fur bed awake, he heard a new sound. It sent a wavelength of new energy through his body, a new sense that was forgotten. Excitement. He heard the clattering of swords. Were there someone out there fighting the town's guard? Are they here to kill the whole town? Kill him? Save him? Pfft, like they'll save a boy like him. He doesn't have any particular talents, well no useful ones. Music was the only thing that he was prospered in. Music cannot persuade an enemy to back-down, only sway the hips of fellow friends.

The boy soon saw the loud footsteps of the attacker, or what he thought was the attacker. It was only a guard with his sword drawn, as though he was getting ready to fight. He got excited over nothing, so it seems. Was he going to be executed? However, what was soon reveled after the steel barred gate was opened, he was really being saved. By whom, the boy didn't know. At least, he isn't rotting in that despicable cell. As the boy and rescuer was walking up the jail steps into the guard barracks, the rescuer turned to him and took off their helmet. The guard was really a warrior, more like a savior of justice, and the three scars that riddled her cheeks spoke the truth.

"I thought that it was ill-minded to assume a son of a guard to steal a statue that belonged to a nearby town. However, if it is true, I'll cut your throat where you stand." The warrior said, her voice strong. The boy nodded his head and fear struck him.

"I didn't steal that accursed statue!" The boy declared, almost yelling. He's been accused for too long and he doesn't want to be accused anymore.

Once the boy and the warrior left the fortress, it was now that he sees "Good, then my judgement was correct." She said softly, almost as though she did have a doubt in her judgement.

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