Chapter 1: Trouble in mondstadt rising

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3rd pov:

The scene starts of showing the land's of the beautiful nation of mondstadt, but something was isn't right at the moment

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The scene starts of showing the land's of the beautiful nation of mondstadt, but something was isn't right at the moment.

The forest somewhere up north has gone silent, the animals that resided in those forest's have left in a hurry along with the bird's, all of them panicking, and to top it all of people have been reporting a mysterious monster with black mist emitting from it roaming around the area and causing damage around it.

The knights of favoniues have resently noticed this because they have now ordered those that resided outside the city to immediately return for safety, and that warning didn't go unnoticed as people started coming inside back into their home's wondering what's going outside of they're city.

Heck even the Fatui where confused on what's going on, their higher ups haven't even tell them anything yet, leaving them with no answers or orders on what to do.

Outside of the city and into the land's of the wind was a girl named Amber the last and only member of the outrider decision of the knights of favoniues.

Outside of the city and into the land's of the wind was a girl named Amber the last and only member of the outrider decision of the knights of favoniues

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She can be seen running around the area near the large tree where the statue of they're archon resides, checking for any person still outside.

But not to long after she spotted some of her friends in the distance all running back to mondstadt.

And they're name's are Kaeya, Albedo, Klee, Sucrose, Razor, Bennett, and fischl along with her trusty friend Oz.

Amber: "Hey guys over here!" She calls out waving in they're direction which got them to wave back as she runs towards them checking if they're all alright.

Amber: "Hey are you all alright?" She asks.

Albedo: "Where fine amber, but what's this about an emergency that needs everyone to go back inside the city?" He asks confused because he wasn't fully informed on what the situation is.

Bennett: "Yeah, like the three us where about go find some treasure then the next thing we knew was a Huffman telling us to hurry back to the city." He tells them and fischl and razor nod's.

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