Chapter 4: The Hunter's and Monster's

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3rd Pov:

Inside Jean's office everyone was looking intensely at Yutaro, as the hunter was surrounded by some of the Knight's with weapons ready in case he decided to attack them

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Inside Jean's office everyone was looking intensely at Yutaro, as the hunter was surrounded by some of the Knight's with weapons ready in case he decided to attack them.

Yutaro: "So I take it your the grandmaster, or acting grandmaster?" He casually said looking at the blonde woman sitting in the chair who looks back at him with a stern gaze.

Jean: "I am." She said with a serious look as so did the other's in the room. "Let's start off with simpler question. Who are you?" She asked slightly leaning forward on her desk.

Yutaro: "I'm Yutaro Yamarashi, and I am a Monster Hunter." He said placing his hand on his chest and gives them a small bow.

Kaeya: "Hunter, huh?" He said looking at him with intrigued look in his eyes. "Well then "Monster Hunter", why have you come to our City? And what's this dangerous monster you were talking about earlier?" He asked now being serious about his question.

Yutaro: "I came here because I was following a group of people that nearly killed a friend of mine, and that group of people were known as the Fatui." He said explaining why he was there, and the other's couldn't help but groan slightly in annoyance.

Lisa: "Oh goodie, them again." She said with a bored and irritated voice as she places her face on the table she was on.

Yutaro: "First time?" He asked wondering if this was the first time the Fatui has caused trouble for them.

Kaeya: "Let's just say, they don't know when to stop causing trouble." He said rolling his eyes in irritation.

Yutaro: "But back to the monster I was telling you about." He said as everyone's attention was now on him. "This monster has caused so much destruction in it's path that I completely lost count on how many I have to kill because of being infected by it." He said which intrigued and worried some by the way he described it.

Amber: "When you say it like that, do you mean that it..." She was about to continue but Yutaro finished her sentence.

Yutaro: "Infects it's victims with some kind of mind control virus?" He asked to which everyone nod's but the hunter shake's his head before continuing. "It's a virus, but it doesn't control the mind of it's victims, it instead puts them in a state of blind rage, and everyone it scratches and bite's all become like it. It's called the Frenzy Virus."

Everyone was now afraid by how he knows so much about the virus from the monster, but what scared them more was how the virus get's passed on to others. Just a scratch and small bite was enough to change something in to a mindless killing machine.

Albedo: "Interesting..." He mumbles interested by the knowledge of the Viruses effects to it's host.

Aether: "D-does it infect people as well?" He hesitantly asked clearly afraid at the thought of a person being infected by this horrific virus.

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