Chapter 2: First contact

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3rd pov:

The scene starts of showing the infirmary, Diluc was laying on one of the beds as his arm was bandage and strapped to the ceiling and he had a neutral look.

Nurse: "Okay that will be all now, if you feel anything uncomfortable just calls us okay?"

Diluc: "Yes, i got it." He said as the nurse walks out of the room.

Diluc sigh's as he looks at he's wounded strapped arm, he felt useless and vulnerable in this state, a rare thing he felt in he's life.

Sucrose: "Master Diluc?"

Sucroses voice was heard as the curtain that cover's her bed was push aside, Diluc saw that her leg has been rapped in bandage as well.

Diluc: "What is it?"

Sucrose: "T-thank you for saving us back there, you, amber and aether." She said as she tries to move her leg a bit but stop's when she felt it stings.

Diluc: "........don't mention it." He mumbled as he lay's back down on he's bed.

He then hears the sound of the door opening and to his dismay, it was kaeya.

Kaeya: "You know, seeing you like this is very rare thing." He said as he crosse's he's arm and lean's on the door.

Diluc just stared at him tiredly but kaeya can tell he didn't want him in the room, sucrose on the other hand looked at the two nervously hopping they won't fight or even argue.

Diluc: "Tell me something kaeya." He muttered.

Kaeya: "Ask away then, master diluc." He said in a playful manner.

Diluc: "Why did you help me get all the way here?"

He asks remembering the moment he was about to passed out on the way to infirmary, he saw kaeya was the one carrying him all the way to the room and he saw him holding a look of concern while making they're way here.

Kaeya: "........" He stayed silent, he look slightly nervous as he looks around the room and thankfully it was only sucrose in the room with them.

He then looks at sucrose and points at her.

Kaeya: "You tell this to no one you hear." He said

Sucrose: "Y-yes." She said and just nod's nervously.

Kaeya: "*Looks at diluc* Just because we had that fight all those year's back, that doesn't mean i wanna see the day you pass. Infact i don't want to see that day at all come."

He said sounding serious, this surprised both diluc and sucrose, but Diluc was the one more surprise since he thought kaeya hated him the same way he did.

Kaeya: "Anyway, if you need anything else, I'll be in Jean's office." He said as he walks out of the room and closes the door leaving the two in the room to recover.

Diluc just let's out a sigh and lay's back down on the bed and decides to take a nap.

Meanwhile at Jean's office:

Jean: "This is just getting even weirder by the minute."

She mumbles as she and everyone else in the room where discussing about the recent problems that has been happening recently.

And it hasn't gotten better.

Albedo: "Multiple reports of animals and monsters going rampant across mondstadt and the land just keeps on piling up."

He said as he folded he's arm's as he looks at one of the reports saying a wild boar has gone mad and starts charging at people randomly.

Amber: "Not to mention that the bird's have left where they normally would be." She added letting out a tired sigh.

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