[Some things to point out...]

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Hello, hi, yes it's me the author returning to you once again from the battlefield of the finals. So while I was just scrolling about my phone y'know chilling and stuff I was bombarded with one of my books(This book) having a mental debate on genders. PLEASE for the love of gods and all do not fight about stupid and unwanted stuff like this. Sure if you're to prove a point but as long as you contain it rather than making a whole large wall of text just to deliver a point is just. . . Idk? Unneeded?

I know in this day and age we humans are just that different from the 'us' in like 2016 or down the line. Gender is gender and well, try to be more mature rather than fighting other people about who they and shit. I once again do not take any sides for I am, like I said: just an author. Fanfictions are made for dreaming not reality. And shipping other fictional characters is not really necessary? Thank you for your attention on this thing and bye bye!

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