We're so back

554 14 11

The bright light of a street lamp was passed by as a certain Nun levitated his way into the dark streets of the Xianshou Luofu. With his usual smile and cheeky grin he smudges off the blood stains of the fallen Mara he just killed for "enjoyment". Now don't go thinking he killed them just because he is pissed off but because he is actually pissed off. Why? Well because he didn't get enough beauty sleep.

[Talkative Mara-struck] - N- no wait! Please i beg of you... ! Spare me I'll do anything in return! Please- ACK!!!

[You] - Interrupting an Anchoress' beauty sleep is a crime of resulting divine punishment. You're lucky i didn't bash you around with Judah Mara scum.

[Talkative Mara-struck] - ...

[You] - Not a talker now? A shame. Anyways! Time to head back to Mr. Welt and those two doofus...

Truly a force to be reckoned with. His divine intervention is a thing to witness as well. Just be there though.

Or you might never...

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