The Blind Monster

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Jeremy POV

Jeremy put his hand to his head as his headache got worse. It was an incessant pounding in his brain that permeated his skull with pain. He could only assume this was some sort of side affect to receiving his sense of direction.

Despite the headache, he could still use his sense of direction perfectly fine. The cave's exit was close.

After about a minute's walk, he arrived at where he sensed the exit. It was a perfectly rectangular hole carved into the tunnel's wall.

Jeremy crawled in. The passageway was big enough to crawl in, but small enough to feel slightly claustrophobic.

He crawled like this for few minutes, head pounding the whole way. The tunnel sloped slightly upward and looped around itself like a spiral staircase, gradually ascending to the surface

At last, the spiral ended and become a straight line again. He sensed the exit was close.

The tunnel stopped at a dead end. Jeremy crawled up to it and noticed that the tunnel was blocked off by thick canvas. Jeremy sensed a room on the other side.

He pushed against the canvas wall and it slowly swung upward as if it was on hinges. It revealed an art gallery room filled with other paintings.

Jeremy crawled out of the tunnel, landing on the room's wooden floor. He flipped down the painting-disguised door, covering the secret tunnel he crawled out of.

In front of Jeremy was a giant sign that had a crossed out camera symbol next to Grunkfuss' face.

He didn't know what this meant. He recognized the camera symbol from when he was in the purple three-doored office-- it was the button that flashed Grunkfuss. Did sign mean not to flash Grunkfuss or that Grunkfuss didn't like getting flashed?

Jeremy shrugged it off and walked out of the room. He turned a corner and started walking to the dark office. He did a quick run through of everyone's locations while he was walking.

Flumpty... by owl's urinal... the box head...

Jeremy instantly halted, stopping just beside the hallway corner. Nightmare Kevin was walking down the hallway he was about to turn down. The one front of the dark office.

Startled, Jeremy turned around and ran across the hallway he came. Jeremy sensed Kevin walk in front of the dark office and go into it.

Okay, okay, Jeremy thought, heart beating. the corpse monster is in... the kitchen... and the clown is... oh no.

Grunkfuss was nearby in the two-doored office. If he went out through the left door and turned a corner to his left, he would be on a path directly towards him.

It was clear. Jeremy was getting sandwiched. Kevin approaching from behind him, and Grunkfuss approaching from in front.

Ahead of Jeremy, was the wide, room-like hallway intersection where Chump and the Redman died.

Jeremy ran into the intersection. The Redman and Chump's corpses were no longer there.

Then, Jeremy noticed something out of the corner of his eye. He looked towards it and froze in terror.

There, slithering in from the hallway beside Jeremy, was an enormous purple centipede. It was about half the height of Jeremy, but was as long as the entire room. It had a humanoid head with stitched shut eyes and massive ears.

Jeremy gasped in shock, and the blind monster instantly snapped his head toward him, ears twitching.

No, no, no, where was this guy before? Jeremy thought, starting to grimace at the horrible pounding in his head.

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