The Bitch's Prank

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I waited in her room for about 40 minutes and then chloe entered the room!

"Ash! Cmon we finished and we are about to begin...come join us!" Chloe said with a  fake smile on her face.

"Oh! Really! Okay wait a sec!" I said grabbing my purse and phone and heading to the door!

"It's gonna be real fun!" Chloe said as we were walking through the hallway downstairs as we entered there was a big huge door! As i went , chloe ran and went inside and then i  ran after here but a big bottle of flour fell on me from above and then the girls had cups water in their hands and they threw it at me

"So now our cake  is ready to be put in the oven" Laura said Giving out an evil groan ... And the rest of the girls just Laughed so hard!

"Oh!Dear Ash this was a fucking prank made on a bitch like u! Do u think i would invite someone like you to a party! Gross! No way no! Hahahahaha ... ofcourse not because u would ruin the whole thing because u r so freaking ugly! U r not fashionable ... ur just a nerdy! And i hate u So freaking much! " Sarah said

I cant take it anymore ... i was so embarassed .... i cant stand not even a second here! I ran upstairs as fast as i can trying to ignore and forget everything that just happened one secong ago! I ran till i reached the main street away from Sarah freaking McCurdy and anything that would remind me of her!

I was so full of flour everywhere in my body! I wanted to reach home!
Despite the fact that i came in Sarah's car !
I should stop a Taxi rightaway i stood there for like 10 mins untill a taxi stopped i went in the car tears falling like rivers of nigeria and i cant help to stop them from falling down i told the taxi man my address it was just 15 mins untill we actually arrived .... i gave him money and ran into the doors of my house crying and all messed up! I felt everything is going upside down ...

'Nothing went right! '
'My whole life is just a mess.'
'Why people hate me?'
These quesions and quotes popped in my mind every second i remembered what happened 25-30 mins ago at Sarah's house untill i fell asleep i was so hella tired of all that 'crying' 'the prank' 'the evil laughs' 'the silly comments' 'And specially that ugly bitch Sarah'
Or lets from now call her THE UGLY BULLY

Back to reality..

"UGHHH! I am so fed up of this ugly bully! I have to get revenge on her and im gonna do that for sure! im gonna think of a plane that would make everything turn against her! I hate her so freaking much!" Is said to Steph angrily!

"Okay, chill up! We r gonna think of a way! i hate her way more too!" Steph told me


" oh cmon the bell rang time to go to get ready for my date with Zach tonight dont wanna be late " i said waving a 'bye' to Steph and jack and they waved back saying 'bye' in unision too!

I went back home ... took a shower and went to my closet to fitch up something to wear for tonight's date!

I picked up A short rainbow coloured skirt and a t-shirt whuch was white and had
"I LOVE YOU" written on it in red colour!
Ive put on some mascara and eyeliner and blood coloured lipstick and went downstairs waved "bye" to mom , dad and andrew who were sitting on the couch. cuddling and watching TV.


Ok this is the end of this chapter .... excpect more romantic or heartbreaking scenes in the next chapter ... u know what it will be both!!! Yeah!
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