Part One: Fifteen - Sayin' Goodbye

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After Hermione woke in the hospital wing of the school, alone, she'd been ushered out by the Matron to make room for students who needed the beds more than she. For a little bit Hermione had wandered, taking in the damage done to the school in a daze. Death Eaters had locked down the Astronomy Tower and then went about the school in the direction of all four house common rooms. It had been just after dinner and Hermione had gone to professor Sprout to discuss the best way to grow plants in foriegn soil.

Stuck in the memory of what had happened, Hermione didn't notice Dobby appear until he asked after her health. It startled her but she still complied with an answer. After a bit of chatter with Dobby, a pleasant but odd occurrence since she knew the elf didn't much like to make small talk, Harri had found them. Immediately Hermione knew that something was wrong.

A dread built up in her as her friend asked after her health and mental state while they walked back to the Chamber. Still Hermione replied truthfully. While her body had mostly healed her mind still felt numb. Like the entire attack on the school had been witnessed by another person and not herself. She wasn't entirely sure what to think of it.

By the time they were in the safety of the Chamber, Hermione had enough of the small talk and went straight to it. Asked what was bothering Harri so much. That's when Hermione found out that there would be a mass funeral for those who had died from the school during the attack. How the bodies had been taken by the Death Eaters. And the names of those lost.

For a long time they stayed in their shared dormitory, on Hermione's bed, while the brunette cried and Harri stayed close for any support- trying not to cry herself. Just like the time Hermione found out about her parents.

Only Dobby visited them, bringing a tray of food for them each, for which Harri thanked him. Well tired out and exhausted, Hermione laid on her back and stared up at the canopy of her bed blankly.

"He's killed nearly everyone I love." Hermione eventually stated, voice raw and tone pained. When she felt Harri move to lay beside her Hermione looked at her friend with sorrowful eyes. She took Harri's pale hand, "and he's still after you. My sister in all but blood. I won't let him kill you Harri. I won't."

For the first time since she found out about Anthony's death Hermione noticed that there was something else bothering her friend. When she asked, Hermione hadn't been prepared for the answer that she received. After some mental debate Hermione couldn't understand, Harri finally spoke. 

"I... I think he might hate me...!" Harri blubbered, voice so choked with emotion Hermione could barely understand the words. Tears began to fall down Harri's cheeks in earnest, alarming the brunette. "I've hurt him...! So bad...!"

Hermione hadn't ever seen Harri cry, though she did know that the raven haired witch woke up with tear stains and puffy eyes quite often. It was less so now but it had been a frequent thing when they were younger. (Which led her to think that Harri cried while speaking to Goku. After all, Harri spoke to the other-worlder at every opportunity she got.)

Even though she was confused and emotionally drained herself, Hermione pulled her friend in for a hug. As she did, Hermione wondered who Harri could be speaking about. Whom did her friend care for deeply enough that it would cause her to cry in front of Hermione? That Harri would turn to Hermione for comfort and not Goku. It had serious concerns rise up in Hermione's tired brain.

Because only one name came to mind. 

Had Harri meant Goku? Goku hated Harri

The idea was ludicrous. In Hermione's mind, there was no possible way that Goku could hate Harri. Not when he showed his feelings for the raven haired witch so blatantly in his actions. Which meant that the only other possibility would be that Harri had gotten into some sort of fight with Goku. And Hermione had never seen the two fight. They were a united front on pretty much anything. Well, as united as two people could be when they could only speak to one another at certain times of the day. 

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