Part One: Two - Go On An Adventure

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Apparently the orb that Grandpa Gohan brought back for Harri's seventh birthday had more secrets than Grandpa Gohan had known. Protectively cradling the orange sphere in his hands, Goku stared down at the four red stars that floated perfectly centered within the amber like insides. Then he looked up at the blue haired teen in front of him, skeptical but wanting to believe.

"How long would this adventure take?" He asked her, still not sure of his choice.

For a moment the teen looked shocked at the question. Then her blue eyes- matching to the hair color nearly perfectly- fluttered as though she'd gotten something in those long lashes and she put a gloved hand on her cheek. Pouting, "kid, does it matter?" Bulma Briefs asked back. "You said your Grandpa passed, and you're clearly by yourself out here- unless you have better things to do than go on an adventure?"

"Yes. It does." Goku answered back, narrowing his eyes much to the older teen's surprise. "And I do. How long would it take?"

"Oh, um. I'm not sure." Bulma answered, a little stunned. From the way he'd acted she hadn't expected him to have anything here he needed to do. "It took a better part of a month for me to find one of these two..." when she saw how his expression fell she hurried on,"but I'm sure it's just because I had to go back home and make some adjustments on my radar. That did take a little while. But I found you and your Dragonball right after! So it's working a lot better now and we should find the other ones fairly quick... where are you going?"

Already walking out of the hut, orb still held protectively in his hands, Goku called back over his shoulder. "I'll think about it," and disappeared from her sight.

Bulma stood still for a full minute before she seemed to come back to herself. Lurching out after him, "wait a minute!" Bulma called desperately, "just where are you going with the Dragonball?!"

From his spot now laid down behind his Grandpa's hut, Goku didn't bother to respond to the question. He held the orange orb in his hands, lifting it above his face so that it covered the early morning sun from his sight. The rays seemed to catch in the orb and cast moving shadows, reminding Goku of what the sun looked like when he glanced up at it from under the water.

"Gok- oh. There you are. Why didn't you answer me?" Bulma asked and stood at his side so she could peer down at him.

Goku lowered his Grandpa's Dragonball so that it'd be over his heart and looked up at her suspiciously. "Why do you want the Dragonballs?" He asked instead.

"Well that's easy, I want my wish granted of course!" Bulma answered. "But I can't do that without all seven Dragonballs-"


The boy sat up so fast he might as well have been tasered. Face bright, "Ri!" He answered her instantly.

Bulma stared at the little Window in the wall of the hut. It looked no bigger than a fist, was a little more egg shaped than oval or circular, and it glowed at the edges. Within it was the clear face of a little girl around Goku's age with taped together glasses on her face. Around the girl was dark, most of the space covered in shadow, but the shapes of boxes and paint cans could be just made out with a ceiling that seemed jut out and up the farther back it went reminding Bulma sharply of the underside of stairs. The teen was 100% certain that there had been no other presence within Goku's hut, in fact the back wall had been completely clear of anything. Yet here, clearly, was a little girl speaking to Goku through a little Window that was on said wall.

"Goku..." Harri didn't even register the blue haired teen that was standing behind her friend. "Do you remember those letters I told you about?"

"The one with your name on it? And where you sleep? That your Uncle burned only when you could see?"

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