Killing the shooting Galaxy: 2 the Realities and its History.

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While He manage to defeat A Ultimate Being, Seki about Billion of years he wandered every Realities that is containing different Cosmologies and Dimensionality, Like A Reality where Universe are shaped like a galaxy. Or a Reality where Universes are Infinite.

Facts about the stacked layers of infinite realities:
the realities are stacked up in each layers infinitely so by it means the Infinite realities are the
"Omega-Layer",This layers are the Narratives Layers where it sees the other realities Cosmology as "Fiction" like how people view a story as a fiction, and that this layers contain each Cosmology and realities or Dimensions as such, which was made by some other "Unknown Gods" or the "Representation of the Real-Authors" who used to rule or watch over the infinite stack up layers of realities this Representation of the real authors can change its only realities as they pleased and rewrite its cosmology or dimension, realms and etc, but doesnt mean there all powerful, infact a Chemixpehrid defeated one of this Unknown Gods or Representation Real-authors.

The story begins now:
He kept traveling to Each stacked up Realities to Find answers to his journeys and travels, He wanted to know more about the infinite stacked up layers of realities and learn them, he wanted really to explore to see, And he saw a Reality where it has A Multiverse Containing Infinite Hierarchy Of space-time, each of this space-time Having Infinite Conceptual, Spiritual, mental and physical planes and Have each Cosmological Theory. He transcended to that Reality and wanders through it. He wanted to see if there's any Living life form within it. If the Civilization is much more Somehow advance like a Type 7 or Type 6 Civilization, But he only saw a Type 5 or Type 4 Civilization ones which is powerful but he wanted to see the Type 7 just like the Theory of the Kardashev Scale Theory which is said to be the future of humanity and its Technologies or its Powers.

But as he wanders And Out of no where A Creature that is Similar to the creature he just fought Billions of years ago, it was the Chemixpehrid a Being capable of destroying each realities but, Why didnt it destroy this Reality, why is it not Causing chaos to it? he questions to himself, He approach and asked.

Seki: "You.. Chemixpehrid. I saw you Wandering to this Reality why arent you destroying it?"

Chemixpehrid: "Simple i just don't. I don't want to destroy what i have created. And you are the Person who defeated one of my race?. That's a incredible feat i must say."

Seki: "I had no choice i wanted to keep living and Travel each realities, i am Curios and intrigue in each reality and there dimensionality are.."

Chemixpehrid: "I see. You transcended each Reality just to know more about realities? Then i wont stop you."

Seki: "I see, then i will go Now."

Seki traveled to Each multiverse he sees in this Reality, and see A more advance civilization a Type 7 Civilization, He Explored to it. It is a Powerful Civilization. He knew that this Type of Civilization is Powerful.
transcend and ultimately oversee or ''be'' the Multiverse which is the collection of every single Infinite stacked Universes and Infinite dimensions and then He goes to the Civilization and saw on how powerful they are But still arent powerful as him. As he watches the Human or As he so called Still human that is A Omnipotent being which they have a Weapon capable of Manipulating the Mathematics and Reality itself. He was amazed on how humanity can go. And that he Again transcends through different realities Since he was satisfied.

As He traveled He notices a Reality of which it is a Universe that can be divided into a finite or infinite number of interactions, the structure of the metaverse, the natural laws which allow the manifestation of universes is eternal. He was wondering that why is though reality only contain a One Universe so he has thought. It is a Universe that can be manifested by the natural laws which a universe that can be divided Infinitely. Which he Watch it. And so he Transcends to another Realities to find Answers of its beginning.

Million of years passed and then Seki Ozokera was bored So he thinks about creating a reality for the sake of his boredom, he created a reality in which the reality has created a multiverse a multiverse Layers of layers of endless spiral of the Multiverse, and then Each Moment The Multiverse Created Infinite More Universes it seemingly a Non-stop creation, and the Reality has Infinite amount of Multiverse that was been Creating and has each parallel Universes where there are Infinite Different Choices and Infinite things that the Universes has made and The Universe is only infinitesimally small pieces of the Multiverse a Fractal within Fractal It is a pattern seemingly so Huge or large that imagining it seemingly will be impossible, So this Reality Seki has made maybe a Infinite Multiverses Expanding further and further and keep creating itself, And that is The Infinite Multiverses existed it was the Omniverse and it is right at the center of them is The Vast Void.  And there Seki was still not enough of his Creation. He was still Missing, He kept creating his Creation or you can say Reality And this Reality has of every world, Universe or Multiverse, and timeline has ever existed And created something where There are Platonic Concept of the which the Omniverse have and in which there can be Infinite Amount of the Multiverses where there might be Entities who don't have any physical forms or mental forms, And there the Reality he made is finally done.. He thinks that making tho reality with other powerful gods will make this reality better or balance. There he made the "Shci"xed Gods" There are embodiment of everything its either "Shci"xed Of Fate" or "Shci"xed of Reality" etc. And there when its finally done he wanted to live normally again, so there.. He wanted to become normal human again, He's name will be the same except the last name will be changed.. He will be name now Seki Welherm.. And now in a blink of one light he disapeared and finally become human but his power will be remain on him, His last words are..

Seki Ozokera: "I am who made dark, And I am who made light... I will give this light to the people in this reality so they can Wake up. and I will give darkness so they can sleep. I will still continue to live except my memories i had will be remove.. I will continue to live and be reborn again.. Now, This is farewell may this reality i created be balance.."

Seki then disappeared or fade to the unknown and then Gods, Life forms, Humans was finally Born.

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