Killing the shooting Galaxy: The Barren town. : 4

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*The 6 Groups were walking to the town where they were headed*

Dan: "So tell me, Whats your name you people."

Shigetsumi: "My name is Shigetsumi!"

Auren: "Name's Auren!"

Remilya: "Name is Remilya."

Seki: "Yo! Name is Seki!"

Shuda: "My name is Shuda nice to meet you Dan."

Dan: "Nice to meet you too, so tell me how it feels to live in your universe?, do you have scary goofy monsters lurking around?"

Shuda: "We rarely have been attacked by Some weird Cosmic beings well some have a army who wants to conquer earth or some wants to destroy it, well thanks to our Organization well it is the Global Hero Service which keeps the anomalies or cosmic beings from destroying our world or even the universe."

Dan: "I see.. We don't even have any of that organizations were just some regular humans trying to defend ourselves by this Universe or Multiverse level threat of a Being.."

Seki: "Multiverse level threat? Man were dealing a Eldrich God capable of destroying this Transfinite Universes or the Multiverse itself... The edlrich god must be Like cocky or arrogant since it hadn't destroyed this universe itself."

Dan: "Well i guess so.."

Shigetsumi: "Man you guys only fighting for yourself without the help of Falkqueens or Knights? Man you guys are very very tough!"

Remilya: "Im still thinking do you guys have any Schi'xed Gods in this universe?"

Dan: "The Schi'xed.. We don't have those Saviors but the people in the shelter keeps telling tales about Gods from the unknown heavens existing they even wrote a quote or poem about the.. "When light began to Fade.. The gods of the unknown will come down to the heavens and will light them up.. And show us guidance of victory.. Where the darkness will be lit up and the universe will ever experience peace but for now we will still wait for there coming, When that day arrives the eldrich and his armies will be defeated and we will experience no fear ever again" *he sighs* i wished this madness stops."

Shigetsumi: "Indeed its.. Very chaotic.. You guys are strong for enduring this chaos and I'm very happy that you have to help people even the odds are against you."

Seki: "Indeed fighting such enemies need some skills with but you seemed to be skilled and precise at your job im glad your still okay Mister Dan."

Dan: *Id chuckle* "Thanks i really need that words to motivate me.. But were almost to the town."

Shuda: "Alright we must becareful of what is going to happen you Say Dan that there is people doing a cult and worship that Eldrich god of there's and sacrificing people possible they might attack us."

Remilya: "Indeed, but question Dan."

Dan: "Hm? What is it."

Remilya: "Since you fought beast and very skilled at what are you doing i wonder do you have any powers of yours to fight them off?"

Dan: "Hmm... No i cant run fast but my weapon is the main purpose im still alive.. This weapon is a Revolver who does what i say and do what i want to it."

Remilya: "Huh a gun who does what you say.."

Auren: "Are you saying you can bend or write reality?.. Wow!"

Shuda: "I see a gun who grants peoples commands.. Its a reality warping ability no wonder." *she smiled*

Dan: "Okay were here.." *stops at a sign said "Welcome to Mondye Town"*

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2023 ⏰

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