Killing the shooting Galaxy: The Multiverse travel begins. : 2

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The Story continues.

Shuda was reading the files document on about the tragic life of the parallel universe and she saw the image of the Hemixphered which was feared by the OVERSEERS and the other Parallel universes.

Shuda: God... That's a horrifying beast.. I've gotta prepare and train those students *She sighs* I better keep them well trained and make them ready on whats worse is about to happen..

Shuda then goes to the room and tell the students and tell them they will be training very seriously.

Shuda: Alright knight and Falkqueen students listen up. We'll be having a intense training today so we can prepare the worse, Recently we've got a message from the other universe saying a Being or creature is destroying the other universes we were warned to prepare this disaster and stop that being to destroy this Universe of ours.. We cant let that thing win... And that creature might have a Army itself if I'm correct so we much get invaded by those creatures..

Remilya: So a Creature is about to go on a Havoc of the entire multiverse? Well we must prepare for it..

Shigetsum: Eeeee! So i can finally fight those ugly monsters and be a cool Falkqueen!! *She said happily*

Seki: You do know those monsters has a power capable of ruining this entire universe right?..

Shigetsumi: Umm Yep but it doesn't matter! I wanna save those people from any harm!!

Shuda: Im glad.. We will be traveling Universes to universes to eradicate those beings.. We might be also traveling different Realm or dimensions.. But we must be careful we don't know the powers of those armies.. But i do know that the Creature the one who is destroying the multiverse The Hemixphered it has a power capable of destroying the reality itself..

Remilya: A reality threat scenario?.. That's a dangerous one, it has a power capable destroying reality itself... But does it control or alter this reality?..

Shuda: Yes unfortunately yes.. It can alter reality but the creature haven't able to do it.. The being might be in his weak state or something...

Seki: So we have a Chance then.. We gotta train our best to win this war and defeat this Being..

Shuda: Alright the training begin in 3 hours prepare your equipments.. Were training today.. All the other
Rooms are also training there best to fight this army..

The Students: Yes Miss Shuda!

Three hours has passed the students were training there best for the War.

Shigetsumi: Readying her Abilities I hope your ready since here i come!!

Seki: I am ready!

They both powered up

Shigetsumi: *Summons her Flaming sword* Haaaaaa!!!!! *She Dashes at Seki more faster than the speed of light in her base form*

Seki: !! *He raised his arm and creates a revolver* Take this! *He fires it and laser beam was being fired at Shigetsumi*

Shigetsumi: Hey no fair! *She dodges them flawlessly* Hiyaaa!! *He slash her sword towards to Seki*

Seki: ! *he dodges it and fires his revolver faster than the speed of light* How about this! *He raises his Arms and then a Giant energy ball appeared* Take this! *He throws it at Shigetsumi*

Shigetsumi: Kiya! *She uses her Shci'xed powers and Alter the energy ball to a dust* im no easy folk to mess with! *She slash Her sword and almost hitting Seki:

Seki: *Barely dodges it* Ngh! *He shoots his Revolver*

Shigetsumi: *She easily dodges it and kicks Seki in the gut* Hiya!

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