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voodoo comes out of his home and places a paw on Millie's shoulder. "remember what I thought you, Millie, you can do this." Professor Shade gasps, amazed. "Oh my, is that the Pokémon champion? I see the legendary Anrix demon and his trusty companion, Tamao; the torch has been passed down from the Pokémon League's amazing league champion voodoo. I'm impressed."

Voodoo smiles. "Show them what you can do, Millie." Millie looks at Aurora. "What do you say, Aurora? Shall we work as a team in a Pokémon battle?" Aurora leaps off Millie's shoulder and lets out a loud growl, ready for a battle. "Okay, Aurora, let's do this." Tamao leaps up & down, excited to see Millie battle.

Onyx smiles, then grabs a Pokeball from his pocket. "let's go, zephyr. I choose you!" he tosses the Pokeball in the air, and a sudden purple streak appears, and a fox-like Pokémon with a grey, red, & black fur pattern appears and yips loudly. Millie hears her phone ding "Zorua, the tricky fox Pokémon, zorua has the height of two four inches, & weight of twenty-seven & six pounds." Millie gasps. "Oh, interesting."

Professor Shade smiles. "Now, have fun and begin!" Millie quickly outreaches her paw. "Aurora, use quick attack!" Aurora dashes at Zephyr. Onyx shouts, "Zephyr evade the attack and counter with scratch!" Aurora quickly leaps at Zephyr at high speeds, strikes them with the attack, and leaps back, landing on their feet, and barks as the attack connects, stumbling Zephyr with the force of the attack.

"great hit, Aurora!" onyx smiles as he sees aurora is quite fast. "impressive, Millie but I won't let you defeat me so easily!" he outstretches his paw & shouts "zephyr use leer, zephyr yips then gives aurora an intimidating glare, causing aurora to whimper in fear and lower their defenses."

Millie gasps. "Don't let Zephyr scare you, Aurora; you can do this, use powder snow, & follow up with a quick attack." Aurora yips, then roars and uses an icy breath to send a gust of powdery snow at Zephyr, freezing Zephyr in place. "now, Aurora, use a quick attack on Zephyr!" Aurora dashes at Zephyr and lands a quick attack on Zephyr smashing the ice as the attack connects with Aurora's target.

Zephyr grunts and gets sent back at Onyx in a ball of frost and becomes dizzy for a few seconds, then gets up from the ground, shakes off the frost on its fur, and snarls. "wow, that little fox Is tough. Millie, I've got to say you are amazing with that fox." Professor Shade continues to observe the battle with voodoo and then sees Zephyr go for another attack. "Zephyr, use scratch!"

zephyr leaps at Aurora, then & lands a scratch attack as Aurora attempts to evade but fails and yelps as the attack hits, & Zephyr dashes back to Onyx's side. Aurora wipes their face and growls as it glares at Zephyr and dashes and growls using another powder snow attack. "Zephyr, look out!" zephyr is suddenly frozen in place again, and Aurora uses a quick attack and strikes Zephyr shattering the ice that holds Zephyr in place, sending Zephyr to the ground a yelp of defeat being heard as Zephyr collapses to the ground and is dazed by the attack and dizzy.

"Zephyr cannot battle; Aurora & Millie claim the victory." Aurora barks and yips happily, then jumps into Millie's arms. "Aurora, we did it; we claimed our first victory in a battle." Aurora yips louder, then nuzzles into Millie's neck happily. "good work, Aurora, you were great out there." Voodoo claps his paws together. "That's my princess, great job, you two; I see you even made Tamao excited to watch you battle." Millie giggles as she notices Tamao is jumping happily around and dancing around the yard. "wow, Millie, that was an amazing battle!"

Onyx comes over carrying Zephyr in his arms and feeding him an Oran berry. "zephyr, you did great out there." Zephyr lets out a happy yip, looks at Millie, and barks happily. "sorry about being a little too rough on Zephyr?" Onyx smiles. "It's ok; Zephyr is a tough little fellow; he may not look like it, but he is a tough fox, isn't that right, zephyr?" zephyr yips, then leaps out of Onyx's arms and wags his tail. "here Millie give this to aurora, it's an Oran berry this berry can help your aurora after any single battle this can help heal your weakened Pokémon so they can be ready for any other surprises along your journey so always remember to stock up on these when you go on a very long journey, as a matter of fact here."

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