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Luna walks down the stairs, and into the living room, and she stands in front of Kyle, and watches him glued to his cell phone. Waiting for him to put his phone down, she stares him down, and becomes annoyed. Putting her hand on her hips, she says, "Kyle! Earth to Kyle! Can you put the phone down for just a second. I'm leaving in a few minutes."

"I'm working, Luna! I was sending an email!" he says, as he closes his phone, and puts it on the coffee table. Looking up at her, he then asks, "Where are you going?"

"Yeah ok! You're always doing something on your phone. I'm going with Ivory to the witch's festival," she says, as she sits down next to him, and eyes his phone.

"You look nice. I see that you are wearing purple again," he says, as he puts his feet on the coffee table.

"Thanks!" she says, as she looks at him, and taps him on the knee.

"When will you be back?"

"I'm not sure. I guess when we get bored," she says, as she gets up, and walks into the kitchen. Putting on her shoes and jacket, Kyle gets up, and walks into the kitchen. As he leans on the kitchen chair, Ivory pulls into the driveway, and she says, "Love you! I'll see you later."

"Alright. Love you too," he says, as he walks up to her, and kisses her on the cheek.

As she walks to the front door, the kitchen lights quickly flicker and dim in twos, and she stops in the door frame. Turning around, and looking at the lights, they flicker and dim again, and she ask Kyle, "Did you see that? Do we have a storm coming in? Or do we have an electrical problem all of a sudden?"

"No. There's no storm coming in tonight! It's supposed to be nice out. And we don't have an electrical problem. Not that I'm aware of!" he says, as he walks over to the wall, and turns the kitchen light off and then on.

"Well, that was strange. Our lights never flickered like that before," she says, as she looks up at the lights.

"Maybe, it's because you're going to the witch's festival?" he says with a snicker, as he looks up at the kitchen lights.

"Aren't you funny tonight!" she says, as she opens the front door, and walks out of the house.

As she gets into the front passenger seat of her car, she looks over at her, and asks, "Hey! How's it going? Are you ready to check out the witch's festival?"

"Yeah! I am ready! I hope it is interesting, and they have good stuff. Besides all that, what's Kyle up to?" Ivory asks with a chuckle, as she puts the car in drive. Pulling out of the driveway, she looks over at Luna, and then says, "The purple looks good on you! Let's go have some fun."

"I'm not too sure what Kyle's up to tonight. He didn't give me any issues on going to the Salem festival," Luna sarcastically says, as she looks out the passenger side window. With Ivory driving into town, Luna looks over at her, and then says, "Isla and Geo are posting on the media within moments of one another. It looks like they're playing head games."

"Really! Well, they probably are then," Ivory says, as she looks over at Luna.

As she opens the glove compartment, she rifles through Ivory items, and the dashboard lights flicker in twos. With her stopping with what she's doing, she looks over at the dashboard, and asks, "What was that? Do you need a car battery?"

"I hope not! The car is brand new! What are you doing?" Ivory asks with a laugh, as she looks at the dashboard.

"I don't know. I'm just looking. The same thing happened at my house right before I walked out of the house. My kitchen lights flickered in two's just like your dashboard," Luna says, as she looks at Ivory.

"Really! It's just a coincidence. It's nothing! I'm sure. What are you looking for anyways?" Ivory asks with a chuckle.

"I'm not sure. I just need a distraction. And no! Not everything is a coincidence. You would not understand," Luna says, as she closes the glove compartment.

"What? What's that supposed to be?" Ivory asks, as they hit the Salem town line.

"Oh! Nevermind. It's not important," Luna says, as she looks over at the dashboard.

"I'm telling yeah! There's nothing wrong with my car. It's fine! See the dashboard lights are bright, as usual," Ivory says, as she pulls into the witch's festival parking lot.

Okay! Well, something is up! The lights flickered in two's tonight, on three different occasions. I'm telling yeah something strange is going to happen tonight. I just know it! I can sense!" she says.

Thanks For Reading!

J. Sweet

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