Chapter 2

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Naruto lied in his bed and stared at the ceiling, thoughts swirling around his head. He held the hitai-ate to his chest, clutching it tight as he recalled Iruka sensei's words once more.

"You are a Konoha shinobi, Naruto Uzumaki. Be proud of that name, because you deserve it the most."

He was a Konoha shinobi now. He, Naruto Uzumaki, the pathetically stupid demon brat that was hated by the whole village, is now a shinobi of the Hidden Leaf. He wasn't really sure if he deserved this acknowledgement at all, but it was okay for him to want for once, right? After all, he was going to become a Hokage someday.

Come to think of it, why did he even want to be a Hokage in the first place? It seemed like the least possible position for someone with a reputation like his, yet here he is. Who knows, he might even die before becoming someone worthy of the whole village's respect. Who was he kidding, he knows it'll happen someday. Becoming Hokage was never possible, not for him. He's happy to gain the acknowledgement of just the old man Hokage and Iruka sensei. Just that was enough for him.

But just imagine- everyday when you walk down the streets, you are greeted with smiles wherever you go. Everyone welcomes you happily as you walk into their shops, and they probably even give you stuff for free sometimes. It would be amazing if he was able to get unlimited ramen from Ichiraku. That's one hell of a life!

...Well, unlimited ramen from Ichiraku sounds amazing, but...if he had the chance, he wouldn't take free ramen from Ichiraku at all. In fact, when he starts getting his salaries from his shinobi duties, he'll start paying them back for all the free ramen they had given him. That's also one of the reasons why he wanted to become a shinobi, aside from it being one of the jobs that let him take missions far away and out of the village, exploring new places that may be more welcoming to him.

As he turned to the side, he clutched his hitai-ate yet again in excitement, his lips twitching up into a grin. He was given an opportunity, and someone is finally willing to trust him- to love him. He'd treasure this forever, Naruto swore to himself as his eyes slowly closed, drifting off into sleep.

Naruto's alarm clock did not ring. Not yet, no it didn't- but it was about to. The spring is tripped, but a hand slammed onto the clock before it could start ringing. Naruto beamed in delight- The day is here! His amazing shinobi instincts had let him hear the gears turning before the hammer hit, saving his eardrums from aching again.

Shadow clones appeared around him and quickly got to work, preparing all the stuff he needed to go to the academy for their graduation and meeting up with their new sensei while the real Naruto went to brush his teeth and wash up. After that was a quick cup noodle for breakfast before he rushed straight to the academy, ignoring the stares from the villagers. This was the best day he's about to have, and no one will be there to ruin it just yet.

He took a much needed deep breath as he stood outside the doors of his classroom. He had no doubt that his classmates were going to question him about his presence there, but it was understandable. Even he himself couldn't believe that he was actually going to become a Genin now. Like, him?? The dumbest soul alive in this whole academy?

Well, he did do pretty decent on the written tests though...and he's a good student, and he can make a much better clone now.. Maybe things are starting to get better. Ah, he knew it! He was finally getting lucky!

He slid the door open slowly, peeking into the classroom to check who was there. He got here pretty early out of excitement, so there wasn't that much people yet. There was Sakura, Ino, Kiba, Hinata, Shino and Sasuke, with some other people from other classes that he didn't recognize.

'Wow, the shinobi system is kind of fucked up,' Naruto thought to himself as he walked towards an empty seat, thinking deep into random things again, as he always did. The little blonde's brain was always filled with the most random stuff to think about, and maybe that's why he had the attention span of a gold fish. 'I can't believe there are so many Genins graduating in a year, but there doesn't seem to be as much when I go out there. Do they all perhaps....get killed instantly!?'

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