Chapter 4

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"You, the black haired guy. 3 seconds late," Kakashi spoke, taking notes in his brain. "The pink girl and blonde kid, 15 seconds late. What were you guys doing taking so long? Kids your age shouldn't be making out in the hallways just yet."

Sakura flinched with a huge blush at her new sensei's words, Naruto giving the same reaction as well. What's wrong with this sensei to come up with these weird perverted assumptions? Well, maybe it was to be expected, Naruto supposed. He had recognized the book his sensei was holding as he walked into the classroom, after all. That thing wasn't exactly the closest thing he'd ever found to a bible before.

Besides, who was this sensei to say anything about them being late when he himself arrived 3 hours late to their team meeting? No right to talk to your students about being punctual when you're more of an issue yourself, hypocrite. Naruto silently betted to himself that the amount of time he'd been late for in his life added up together can't even beat his sensei's by a quarter.

"That was a joke, I am no pervert so don't worry," Kakashi assured upon receiving no words from the students he just teased. 'Lies,' Naruto accused in his head. "Why don't you all sit down? We can start with some introductions. After all, I have zero idea who you guys are."

That too, was a lie. Kakashi had thoroughly scanned through all of their files the day before. He had even gone to their houses to pay them a little visit earlier before he came to the academy, specifically when they weren't home. It's not a crime if the Hokage was doing the same with him, but inviting yourself over to a child's house didn't seem like a good thing to openly declare.

The three fresh Genins hesitantly sat on the stairs nearby the railings of the rooftop where Kakashi rested on, staring at their sensei each with curiosity sparkling in their eyes. They were the only ones here who really knew nothing about their new sensei.

"Sensei, how about you start first as an example? The three of us don't know you at all, after all," Sakura suggested. Kakashi hummed in approval and kept the book he had been holding in the pocket of his pants before clearing his throat.

"Alright then. My name is Kakashi Hatake.  I have no intention of telling you my likes and dislikes. As for my dreams..." Kakashi paused in the middle of his sentence, staring at his Genins' faces with amusement. They were all clearly unimpressed, though Naruto seemed to be trying to hide it with a smile for whatever reason. He searched through his brain for the next sentence to his introduction before deciding on a, of course, extremely creative one. "I have a few hobbies."

Sakura fought back the urge to let out a loud groan. Really, why did they get assigned a sensei that was so unserious about his job? This could put them in serious danger! What if they were on a mission and get ambushed, then they all die because this sensei wasn't responsible enough? Maybe she should file a complaint, then they might get another better sensei than this slob of a shinobi. He can't even introduce himself properly, and understanding each other as teammates is crucial to form a strong team!

"Next, you. The girl," Kakashi nodded at Sakura for her to begin her introduction. Calm, Sakura, you need to make a good first impression for your sensei, Sakura took a few breaths before plastering a smile onto her face.

"I'm Sakura Haruno! I enjoy reading, and I especially enjoy Kishimoto-sensei's works." Naruto beamed at that. No way, his teammate shared a favourite writer as him! Everything is going so smoothly, he was sure he and Sakura were going to become the best of friends already. "I dislike people who are late-" Kakashi held back a small chuckle. "-and my dream is to become a powerful kunoichi that will have my name carved into the brains of every single shinobi out there."

'Very ambitious, she already has the right mindset to become a shinobi. Seems to know the dangers of having people coming after you for your life every second too. She's serious about this, that's good,' Kakashi thought to himself with a small smile at the kunoichi in front of him. "Now, you. The guy with black hair."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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