Chapter 11

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Ashley's POV

"You're the great, great, great, granddaughter of Victor, the vampire hunter"

My brown eyes grow wider and my throat tightens. I try my best but nothing comes out of my mouth. My thoughts scatter around the old building making a foggy atmosphere in my head. It can't be. I can't be.

"I don't understand!" i snap shaking my head (after a million attempts to speak)

"It's impossible, i mean..its just unbelievable!" I look at him.

His tall figure towering mine. Making me wanna shrink.

"I know, that's the thing! Your great grandpa, Paul, never mentioned a single detail about the vampire phenomenon to Ives, your grandpa" says Zayn

I just couldn't believe it. It was a huge deal tbh! Being the great, great, great grand daughter of an ancient vampire hunter and the only female in the family (which I just came to know) was a huge deal!

"This is why i brought you here, the rest drove over to the airport. Dad has a close friend working over there who always comes in handy when we need help in cases like these, which is rare"

I nod. But then I remember, the treaty! Rosaline mentioned it too back home and so did Zayn. What about it? And who's hunting Vampires down? How is related to me? All these question clouding my mind. So I decide to clear all my doubt then and there.

"What about the treaty? Who's breaking it? And how come you, or the 'chief' (air quotes) are so sure that the matter is related to me or my family? I mean my parents, who could be a suspect, passed away a long time ago and me, I didn't know shit about anything!" I shout whisper no idea why.

"We know your parents can't be a suspect, chief does too, but you, again we know your not but the chief doesn't! So he's gona come for you and so will the person hunting us down" he voice calm.

"and I think I know who the hunter is, but I'm not sure, so I'll need your help." he looks at me. I nod.

"You see, no one knows our secret, so before we suspect some stranger, we should be trying to find someone who's any actual suspect.." he pauses and i look at him curious eyes.

"Your cousin, Harry." Once again my eyes grow wide and mouth hangs from my jaw. WHAT THE ACTUAL..??!

"But I haven't seen Harry for ages! I mean his mum, aunt Marie, died while giving birth to him, and his dad, uncle William had a big nasty fight with my dad like 3 months before the accident. I haven't heard from them since!" I say

"Exactly, you haven't heard from Harry, so he could be a suspect." he says

"But why would he hunt down vampires, does he even know?" I ask

"There's one way to find out. We have to go look for him. He's probably in England now. But where will we find him?" his eyebrows furrow as he tries to figure it out

"I think I know where he'd be" I say. Zayn gives me a questioning look, his eyebrows still furrowed together.

"We used to go to this place whenever he'd be in town. It was a some kind of cottage my dad built before I was born. We'd always go there. I don't remember much but I still remember its location and all." he nods

"Alright then, what are we waiting for?" he says and we walk towards the door of the library.

We get into his car and he starts driving.

Just then a question pops in my mind.

"Zayn, how did you know I was from the Victor's family?" i look at him. His caramel brown eyes on the empty road.

"I figured it out. You're an anchor Ashley, so was Victor. Only a few inherit these kinda features. " he replies

"What's an anchor?" I ask

"Its for a hunters safety, remember the gem i told you about? Its was a guardian gem. A gem which provides safety and guards the person who takes its power." i nod

"Victor was a hunter, so the hem went in his favour, guarding him from every supernatural being and its power. You inherited it, and that's why neither of our powers worked on you. When you asked me if I could read your mind, I told you i didn't want to and I didn't, but once I tried and it didn't work. Something stopped me from reading it. First, I thought it was just maybe because i really didn't want to but then Rosaline came to me once saying something was wrong with her powers bc they didn't work on you. I told her to try on me and it worked so she just let it go thinking it was something with her concentration but i didn't. I read about the gem earlier and it kept clicking in my head but i kept ignoring it. And then one day I decided to come here and I saw that book and came to know you were from Victor's family and you inherited his anchor. This is why none of our powers worked on and and this is why you could see the library. Its the library of the supernatural. Only the supernatural can see it. Victor could because of the anchor. You could because of the anchor." he finishes.

"oh.." I trail off, not knowing what to say. And then another question pops up in my curious head.

"Hey how did that book manage to have mine and harry's name in it? Like who's the author and how did he know me?" I ask

He chuckles

"Its the library of supernatural Ashley, everything is supernatural, or in simpler words magical" he replies

The rest of the ride was quiet. Just me giving him the directions and letting everything that's happening sink in.

After 2 whole hours of driving, we reached our destination. A small, wooden cottage by the bank of a river.

We get out of the car. I take a look around. All of my childhood memories, which i had forgotten, hitting me hard.

"He's here isn't he?" i ask looking at the cottage. I knew Zayn could smell his blood and hear his heartbeat. I could tell that he knew Harry was here due to his quietness.

He nods. Sighing I walk up towards the door and knock.

The door opens and i come across a pair of beautiful, emerald green eyes and long curly hair. He stood there by the door frame towering me by a few inches. His face had a questioning feeling on his.

He changed, alot! But he was still my old cousin I used to spend mornings and evenings running around with. After a few seconds of staring blankly at each other I spoke.


His eyes grew wide and a happy grin took over his mouth.



Author's Note : Finally I updated! Sorry for the delay though :) Luv ya! <3

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