Chapter 2

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"Listen Ashley..." he said looking into my eyes. He looked worried. "I have to..go"

"What? Go..w-where?" I asked getting worried

" Ashley" he said opening a box he took out of his pocket. It had a necklace in it. With a red stone in it. I guess a ruby.

"This necklace...I want you to keep it...just promise me that you'll never remove it!" he said putting it around my neck.

"It will remind you of me" he said smiling.
I couldn't help myself and hugged him immediately sobbing into his chest. I didn't want him to leave.

"Please Zayn! Don't go! Don't leave me alone..Please!" I said weeping

"You're not alone...I'm going to be with you at all long as you don't remove this necklace!" he said 

"I'l always be there for you Ash. And I promise I will come back"

"Pinky promise?" i said pulling away. Still sobbing

"Pinky promise" he chuckled promising.

He hugged me again. This time tighter than earlier. He hugged me back. I couldn't stop crying. He rubbed my back soothing me.  

"I love you" I whispered

"I love you too princess"

We pulled away and he wiped the tears running down my cheeks. He looked in my eyes one last time and then sped off disappearing into the woods. I went home. Lucy asked me what happened as my eyes were filled with tears. I said I was missing mum and dad. I went to my room. I couldn't sleep that night. I was missing Zayn, I was missing Mum and Dad and every moment of mine spent with them. 

My alarm goes off waking me up from another flashback dream. One thing I don't understand is that...his face...It isn't clear anymore. Everything else is but his face...It's always blurry as if stopping me from remembering his looks and features. I get out of bed, take a shower and get dressed for university. I wear a white t-shirt which has 'Music' written across it with black jeans and Vans. I go downstairs and grab cereal from the cabinet and milk from the fridge and pour it in a bowl and eat it. I then leave for the university. Second year, senior university year starts today. The worst part? Having no friends throughout the school years and uni years...why? well, because I'm an orphan. But I'd rather have no friends than the fake ones. I walk to university as it's only a five minutes walk from home. Some students have just entered the uni grounds and some are hanging out. I walk towards the big building of the university. The university is pretty old but they re-demolish it every five years so it looks modern. I walk straight to the office and get my schedule and then go for my locker. I get to my locker and take a notepad and a pencil. I go to my first class and because it is the first day we'll only be read out the rules and regulations from that big rule book. The rest of the day will be free. So we can either go home or, the new students, they can take a look around the university. I enter the class. Its almost empty, just a few students sitting and standing around. I go and sit on the last bench of the last row and start doodling over the notepad. Soon the class starts to fill up and the bell rings. Mr.Woodwill, our lecturer enters the class soon after the bell. He wishes us Good Morning and we wish him back.

"Alright everyone, settle down!" he says "Welcome to the senior year of The British University." he says smiling "We have a new student with us" I hear him say
but don't really give much attention because new students are a common thing. He calls the student inside and asks him to introduce himself. 

"Hi, I'm Zayn. Zayn Malik."
The name draws my attention and I stop doodling for a second and just stare at my notepad where i just doodled 'A+Z= Love' 

"Why don't you go take that empty seat over there" I hear Mr.Woodwill.
Zayn comes and sits next to me. Empty seat? There's only one empty seat in the class which is...well next! 

"Hey" he says

"Hi" i reply without looking at him.

There's an awkward silence between us until he decides to break it. 

"So..What's your name?" he asks

"uh..Ashley Edward" i reply this time looking at him

"nice name!" he says smiling 

"Thanks!" i say giving him a small smile.
To be honest, He's really attractive and I try so hard not to get lost in his eyes because they seem so dreamy. And I also feel like I have seen him before but I just try to concentrate on my notepad. After a while, he breaks the silence again.

"Do you mind showing me around after...uh..this?" he asks. I think for a second

"um..yeah sure!" i reply. lets just say I don't wanna sound rude. 

He gives me a smile and whispers Thanks. 

The boring ninety minutes of my doodling, Zayn playing with his pencil and Mr.Woodwill reading out the same lame rules from the rule book, the bells rings. Everyone crashes out of the class.
Me and Zayn walk up to our lockers. Maybe it's a coincidence but our lockers are side by side. We keep our things.

"So..lets show you around" i say with a small smile

"Yeah!" he says, excited. 

Chapter 2...
hope you guys like it! Don't forget to vote and comment!! =) 

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