Chapter 12

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"Its been ages since we last saw each other!" he almost squeals as he hugs me
"God I missed having a younger but naughty sis around" I giggle.

"I missed you too Hazza" I say gently pushing him away.

I follow him into the house and then to the small living room.

"Do you care for some tea? He asks as I sit down on the comfy couch.

"Sure do" I reply smiling.

"I'll be right back!" He says and then disappears into the kitchen to prepare tea.

This place has memories..not r many but some. Me and Harry used to come here a lot. He used to bring me here and then we would play with our toys and stuff. I don't remember much but anyways. That's not what I'm here for.
I don't start talking about all of it right away, if anything, it'll only make me look suspicious.

After a while of just talking about random stuff and how I got here, to which I lied saying g I was in town, I decide its time I say something. Its been a couple hours and I know Zayn's in his car waiting which is probably in the forest since it's not where it was earlier.

"So, Harry.." I begin "We kinda need to talk."

"What is it?"

"'s um.." I trail off not knowing what to say.

"I..uh..I know." I state looking into his green eyes.

"You know what?" He asks getting curious.

I get up and walk around a little.

"I know what you've been doing. Harry. I know all about it, about the vampires and our family, everything." I look at him finishing.

He sighs and looks at his hands.


"I'll tell you that, only after you tell me why."

He takes in a deep breath and looks up. I see something different in his eyes, anger, I figure.

"You wanna know why?" He says through gritted teeth.

"Harry? Are you alright?" I ask concerned.

"I'm not alright Ash! I'm not! You ask? Its because those damn vampires killed my dad! That's why!!" He shouts standing up.

I gasp slightly and take a step back.

"W-what?" That's all that comes out of my mouth as I sit on the chair behind me. Utterly shocked and tears clouding my vision.


Hey guys so I'm back and I get it I suck as an author but its just that the last couple of years have been tough in so many ways and I haven't been in states to finish this up. But I'm gonna because it wouldn't be fair otherwise.
Please don't hate me..:)

So uh I completed this chapter and I'll try my best to complete the story as soon as possible.

Love x

Illusion - Zayn Malik (Vampire)Where stories live. Discover now