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" Gojo ? What's up with that sinister smile you got going on over there"

"Wouldn't you like to know ? Huh?"

" Don't you start with me" I said rolling my eyes .

" You got to have options, I keep telling you this baby"

"Not your baby"

" (y/n) , your always so uptight and tense , you really need a lover , boyfriend, idk something"
" Excuse you ? The hell do you mean uptight ?" I say to Gojo in a stern tone.

" erm, nvm just let me hook you up with someone , it might help you relax a bit orrr  you could let me relax you, like the old days"

" I'm fine Gojo. Really."

" I mean I don't mind having you to myself too , I -"

" Please don't start that bullshit again"

" your so meannn, (y/n)" Gojo said in a poutey voice. Gojo always had some type of feelings for me but and he didn't mind letting me know at any given moment . He knows that I'm not interested in him anymore but he never fails to surprise me by his unlimited failure of attempts .

Don't get me wrong , I have feelings for him as well but being with him would drive me utterly insane. We used to mess around a few years ago and as much as I do miss being with him at times , That man can't be loyal to save his life and I wouldn't want to put myself through that again , I would rather stay single .

" Well I'm going to put you on , whether you like it or not . You need some fun ,you stress too much , and since you don't want it from me , let me help you another way" gojo said grinning . At this point it didn't matter what I said he was still going to do it .

That's just the kinda guy that he is .

"Fine." I said .
" Since you want to put me on so bad , let me give you the requirements. "
" Lay it on me."
" Tall , well fit preferably , he needs to be on his shit and have something going for himself , money , his own car / house ,financially stable, no kids ..... oh and did I mention some type of financial wealth plan? ?"
"Damn girl , your really a gold digger huh?"
" I'm not , I just want someone with good money management , that's all..... and to keep me updated with all the new birkins" I said mumbling  so Gojo would barely hear me .
" Atta girl . Sounds more like you!" he said chuckling and I laughed with him .

I've had my share of the broke man despair phase! I'm good.

All the sudden he went quiet as he picked up his phone and started typing fast . Dings incoming almost immediately after every message sent .
" Damn who made you mad?" I say jokingly .
" You'll see " Gojo said smirking as he sat his phone down on the table . I noticed it started to get late as the sun started to settle down making a ombré look in the sky and the street lights in the local area started to pop on one by one.

We loved this Thai small cafe, this is where most of my time go . I come her often to just get out of the house since I literally live right down the street from it . The workers are always so sweet to me and their croissants  and desserts are so good and fresh and overall the perfect spot to catch up or get work done.

I wave the waiter down and start to order my last few items before I wrap up this little hangout sesh with Gojo for the day and suddenly I hear the bell that hangs on the door ding inside the cafe letting us know that someone has entered the lobby .

I don't really pay much attention to it as people come in and out of the cafe all of the time and me and Gojo were just laughing and chopping it up as usual . Our table is approached by a tall , blonde haired man , who seemed well put together. He had glasses and his hair was slicked back , he was very ,minimal and expensive , he looked like your typical business man. As he was walking towards the table I caught a whiff of his strong musk cologne which intrigued me more.
He even smells expensive .

Forgot to mention that I love a man that smells good.

You could tell he had money , and you can tell he kept him self up . Not only did he smell expensive but his nails were perfectly manicured and diamonds on his watch was shining so bright they almost blinded me. I couldn't tell what car he came in as I wasn't paying attention nor knew he was coming but if I had to guess it probably some nice ass Lexus or Porsche . Maybe he is a CEO .

He seemed like that kind of guy.

Immediately he caught my attention . He had on a nice grey suit , looking like he might've just got off of work not to long ago , the tux fitted him perfectly to the point where you could see he nicely built figure a little bit and you can tell he was around my age , but his bagged eyes makes him look older .

Does the man sleep?

Whatever the case was , he was eyecandy . And I had my eyes glued on him the entire time he was there .
But there was something about his presence that throws me for a loop and I don't know what it is yet.
" heyyy, Nanamin"
" Don't call me that"
"(Y/n) this is Nanami , Nanami this is (Y/n)"
" Hey , nice to meet you " I said to him , voice shaking slightly from nervousness . I never laid eyes on a man this attractive .
Excluding Gojo .

" It's nice to finally meet the lovely lady Gojo keeps talking about so much"
What did Gojo say to him?
" Well would you look at that , she hasn't took her eyes off of you since you walked in here Nanami"
I felt my cheeks grow blush red from embarrassment as I hurried and looked away to make it less obvious . But it was true , I was utterly admiring him like I've never seen a man before .

He started to spark up more convo as if he was interested in getting to know me .

As convos kept flowing  I noticed that this man is extremely good at eye contact . Every time he opened his mouth to talk to me , his eyes never left my gaze and it leaves my stomach in butterflies.  Everything he said was so smooth , like he does this type of thing all the time . Kinda a reg flag but I'll ignore it right now.

" I'll leave you two to chop it up , I'm going to go talk to that sexy waitress over there" Gojo says as he gets up to leave our table . I watch him leave , begging in my head for him to stay . I don't know why I was so nervous to be around him alone and a part of me made me feel like I wasn't even good enough to even be in his interest at all , a feeling I don't get often.
For him seemed the opposite which surprised me.

" Of course , he would do something as such"Nanami  said while taking a deep exhale.
"Well , how was your day ?" He asked me.
He's so interesting but at the same time he seems so closed off . He wouldn't really go into depth about his life outside of working but seemed almost way too interested about mines. He's super passionate about his money but hates his job .


Time flies by and the little cafe is on the verge of closing and borderline kicking us out . Gojo is too busy laughing and flirting with the waitress to even notice how empty the cafe has gotten since we've walked in .

" I'll just say that you are very attractive & I hope we could do this again"

He wants to do this AGAIN?

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