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It's now 2 weeks later , and kento only hits me up when he has the time to do so and that's like never . I can't help but to miss him and crave him even more now and it's annoying that he doesn't even try to make the time for me .

I've gotten to a point where I'm debating on ghosting the last two men on my roster . 

Kento would sporadically text me simple things like "did you eat ?" Or if I ask to hang out he says he can't because he's working late .
If I'm being honest his communication sucks . I get that he works a lot but I don't even feel like he's trying to put in any effort , maybe it's me?
Am I expecting too much too soon?
. I'm starting to feel like he doesn't actually care about me like he made it seem , maybe he was just drinking too much and had a moment at the club .

Like last time .

How the hell did he even know I was there , is what I should've asked him .

I thought for sure after everything went down the way it did that was him showing his true feelings but yet he leaves me feeling confused again.
I start to grow annoyed with how he keeps leading me on and decided that I will just leave him alone for good and find another fling to get my mind off him like I used to do although I don't want to . But I'm also tired of being confused .

Maybe I should add two to the roster instead . Make them all pay for a shopping spree and another maintenance day.

My feelings have became way too strong in a short span of time and that is so unlike me . I honestly don't think I like it.
How did I end up a simp for a man that barely can even text me back?

On top of that I'm sick of my stupid ass job .
The patients the lazy nurses stick me with are always the older people who are just rude to me for no reason and I already can barely tolerate old people.

I don't mind the nice ones but the ones who feel entitled are the ones I can't stand the most .

They would often try to hit me or disrespect me as if im not doing what im getting paid to do. The dress code is lame , im only allowed to wear the same old blue scrubs and I can't even have my hair down to show my curls when I finally switch up my hair color. The nurses are rude just times and all they do is gossip . The "break" room absolutely sucks .
I want to find something calmer , where I can sit pretty and make my money .

Better yet , if I could just either work from home or not work at all, that would be great.

I started to ponder about Kentos comment about being a house wife more often these days.

I was also thinking about getting an office job , maybe something like a corporate job like Nanami mentioned .
Im still not even sure what he actually does , I should've made him go into detail .

I started to look on indeed for a new job because I'm at a point where I just can't take it anymore and I need change anyway . Maybe it'll help me keep my mind off of Kento for a while .

As I'm scrolling and applying to random office jobs I find this one in particular that really struck my eye.

Kyoto home estate office
Job description: co partner personal assistant / receptionist
. You will need be able to communicate with customers addressing and fixing their insurance policy issues . Push potential clients to book a consultation as well as helping our co partner with whatever they need to be assisted with.
Pay : $22-$29/hr
PTO & other benefits information will be provided once application is submitted !

Thank you !

Resume needs to be provided

Sound like a pretty easy job to me. I've had plenty of customer service experience and how hard would it be to be a personal assistant. This won't be my first time working with insurance so I'm sure I will fit the requirements and get the job.

I go to my files tab on my computer , find my resume and upload it to indeed submitting my application in hopes of a email in return saying they would like me for an interview .
With this being on my mind for the night , I do my self care night routine and get ready for bed 
and work tomorrow a little more cheerful and optimistic about the future .
We would like to hear from you !
Thank you for application
We will call you soon to set up a interview !

"Ahhhhhh" I scream to my  self softly so no one could hear me as I'm hiding away at work in a family restroom to let the time pass . 
I'm so happy that I finally have the opportunity to leave this damn job and start something new . I'm so excited for what's to come !
I'll get to meet new people and mingle and get my life back together since blondie came in as fucked up my mental.
As time continued to pass I was off the clock and in my bed in no time . It was busy day today so the time flew and next thing you know I was already setting up my interview for my self proclaimed new job tomorrow.

I was off from work and didn't want to waste any more time.
"Okay , well I like you and you seem like a perfect candidate for the job!, so when can you start? "
" immediately,! I joke" but I was so serious .
The interviewer laughs right along with me .
" if that's the case I can have you in and training with me tommrow morning 9am sharp . Is that fine with you ?"
"Yes ma'am , see you there!" I say cheerfully .
" Perfect!"
I leave from the interview estatic that I finally get to move on from my tired ass nursing job and learn something new while making more money .

I finally make it back to the house and I immediately hop in the shower to rinse off all of the germs and bacteria I have stacked up on today from working and being outside .
As I'm lathering my body I couldn't help but let my thoughts wonder over me .
"its been 3 days and I haven't even gotten his usual did you eat text, does he really even care about me at all?" I started to question to myself .
This can't be good for me.
" I swear if I ever see him I'm never talking to him again , you can't do that shit to people ."
" whatever , you don't need a man like that , there's somebody out here that's gonna give you the love and the dick that you need. " I started to  say to myself to hype myself up .
" Should I even put in a two weeks notice?....... Yeah no" I wasn't ever planning on going back to that damn job anyway.

I finally get out the shower and start preparing a meal to cook for dinner so I can head to bed and get ready for my first day at work tomorrow . I realized I haven't talked to Kalon in a few days and decided to call and check up on her and tell her about my new job while I'm cooking to pass time and distract me from my ongoing kento thoughts.
Hi I'm (y/n) , I'm the new personal assistant and receptionist!

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