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Harusuke woke up to the start of another day.

After going through his morning routine, he headed downstairs to make breakfast and greet his family. When he came down, he saw Ikuko cleaning the kitchen, Kenji tying his necktie to his suit, and Shingo lounging around. Luna was also sitting in the corner of the couch watching TV.

"Morning, everyone," greeted Harusuke.

"Good morning, Harusuke," said Ikuko cheerfully.

Harusuke then heard Kenji start complaining. "Gosh, dang it! Why can't I get this thing on?!"

Ikuko then went over to Kenji and helped him fix his tie.

"Thank you, honey!" he thanked gratefully. "What would I do without you?"

"Oh, come now, dear, you need more practice, is all," said Ikuko. "Although, I never get tired of you appreciating me."

Kenji then Ikuko a kiss before heading for the door. "I'll see you around, family," he said. "Have a good day!"

"You too, Dad!" Harusuke called back.

Kenji then left. Not too long before he left, Shingo got up.

"I going out, too," said Shingo. "I promised some friends I would hang out with them today, and I won't be home for a while."

"All right, Shingo," said Ikuko. "Make sure you stay out of trouble, and tell Mika I said hi."

Shingo's face went a bit pink. "W-Wait! Why bring up Mika?" he spoke flusteredly.

"Well, she's one of your closest friends, isn't she?" winked Ikuko. "And given your reaction, I wasn't too far off the mark."

Harusuke chuckled while Shingo went all the redder.

"Wh-whatever," said Shingo. "I'll see you later!"

He then promptly walked out the door with a huff.

Harusuke then went to the kitchen, put two slices of toast into the toaster, and spread some jam. "Looks like Shingo still has a small crush on that girl from the Kayamas," he thought. "I wonder if he still likes Ami, too? Although, there's nothing wrong with having multiple crushes. I can think of a few other people who can have them."

As he munched on his toast, he noticed that two people in their family hadn't shown themselves yet.

"Hey, Mom, do you know where Usagi and Chibiusa are?" he asked. "Are they still sleeping?"

"Last time I checked, they left earlier this morning," replied Ikuko. "They didn't say why they were going, but if I were to guess, they were probably heading for the Hikawa Shrine."

Harusuke then went over to Luna and Diana on the couch and spoke low enough for only them to hear.

"Say, Luna. Do you have any idea?" he whispered to her.

"They're meeting with the other girls at Fruit Parlor Crown," replied the black cat. "They said something about handling urgent business."

"Urgent business?" puzzled Harusuke.

"They also said to leave them be, and you couldn't be there," added Luna. "Something about their meeting being about girl talk."

Harusuke raised an eyebrow in suspicion but didn't think much. After all, despite being close with his sister, niece, and his other best friends, even he knew well enough that when it came to girl talk, it was something he should stay out of. However, that didn't make him all the more curious.

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