Date #2 Ami Mizuno

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Harusuke was walking around Downtown Juuban, heading for the location of his next practice date. He wore a black t-shirt with a gray with gold stripes button-down on top, black pants, and gray shoes.

"Let's see, I'm pretty sure I was told to meet up somewhere around here," Harusuke muttered thoughtfully.

He ventured on until he came to the fountain where he had previously had a practice date and waited. After a while, as the clock struck ten, someone came walking towards him.

That someone was Ami.

She wore a black blazer with a white cropped jacket, a bright red pencil skirt with a white belt, and black pumps.

Ami soon caught sight of Harusuke and waved. "There you are, Harusuke," she said. "Sorry to keep you waiting."

"Not at all," said Harusuke. "You're right on time. Actually, I'm surprised you arrived at exactly ten."

"Well, I pride myself on being early and punctual," said Ami. "And to me, punctuality is essential, especially on a date." Then she shyly blinked. So, um, how do I look? I wasn't sure what to wear that would be suitable."

"You look great," smiled Harusuke. "In fact, you look pretty mature in that outfit. There's no need to be so self-conscious."

Ami's cheeks went a bit pink. "W-Well, thank you very much," she lightly stammered shyly. "I appreciate that compliment."

"So, what's on the docket for today?" asked Harusuke. "Is there somewhere you would like to go or anything?"

Ami then pulled out a notebook from her bag, holding it up with pride.

"Actually, yes," Ami said brightly. I stayed up a bit last night doing some research while preparing a perfect dating plan that will be fun and educational."

Harusuke blinked. "Oh, did you? Then, I'm looking forward to seeing what you have planned for us. Shall we go?"

"Yes. Let's," said Ami.

And the two went off together to start their first practice date. But as they did, Usagi and the rest of the group were lurking close by, each wearing a different disguise so they wouldn't be recognized.

"So, Ami's next," murmured Usagi. "I gotta say, I've seen her wear casual wear before, but that outfit is top-notch."

"She's definitely going for the mature girl approach," said Rei. "I don't even think I've seen her put so much effort into something like this before, even though it's not a real date."

"Yeah, but I can't help but wonder what she's got planned, considering that she's got a while dating plan written down in that notebook," said Minako. "No offense to everyone here, but I'm worried."

"Yeah, I can relate to that," said Makoto. "I don't have any problems with Ami planning a date, but knowing her, she's more than planned something related to studying in some form or way. She is a study-a-holic, after all."

"Oh, come on. Ami's not that bad," said Chibiusa. "Sure, she can study too much for her own good, but even she can loosen up on occasion."

"Chibiusa's right," Luna agreed. "I'm sure whatever Ami has planned, it'll be something both she and Harusuke will enjoy."

"I don't know," Artemis said doubtfully. "Last I checked, Ami isn't exactly up to date regarding romance, as far as I've heard. She even breaks out into hives just from receiving a love letter."

Then, the white cat was hit with a sudden realization.

"Hey, wait a minute! We shouldn't even be here!" he protested. "Why are we spying like this again?!"

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