Date #4 Minako Aino

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Minako was inside a cafe, sitting at a table by herself. She was wearing a simple green dress with white ballerina-like slippers and was waiting for a certain someone to arrive.

While the blonde was waiting, she strategized for what she was about to embark on.

"All right, this is it, Minako. Your second chance to get the perfect date," Minako thought internally. "Your goal: to not only wow Harusuke with your wisdom while showing him a good time, but most of all, to get the one thing that's considered the biggest prize... in your standards, a head pat!"

She clenched her hands in determination.

"Those two circus flunkies from before may have spoiled it the last time, but there's nothing to get in my way this time! I've taken all the necessary measures, and thanks to watching the others with their practice dates, I'm ready to make mine a success this time! No more louse ups and no more surprises!"

She then glanced around the cafe.

"And if I know Usagi and the others, they're likely watching us somewhere out of sight. But then again, it's not like I have anything to hide. Either way, this practice date will be a success! I'll make sure to wow Harusuke with my charm and my experience this time! You got this, Minako! You're the goddess of love! Fight on, and win!"

As she psyched herself up, a familiar someone approached her table.

"There you are, Minako. I was wondering where you were."

Minako looked up and found Harusuke in front of her in a gray button-up shirt, blue pants, and a gold baseball cap.

"O-Oh! Hey, Harusuke!" stammered Minako. "I'm so glad you could make it."

"So, ready to get our practice date started?" said Harusuke. "I'm curious about what you have in mind for us today and what dating tips you've got for me."

Minako importantly cleared her throat. "That's right. But don't forget, we're also going to have fun. And this will also be a good chance to see what you've learned."

Harusuke chuckled. "Sounds good to me. Shall we go?"

The two then departed the cafe. But as you would expect, Usagi and the rest of her group poked their heads up from behind some shrubbery that obscured their table.

"All right. So, this will be Minako's second practice date with Harusuke," said Makoto. "I wonder what she's got in mind."

"And let's just hope those two won't have any uninvited guests like last time," Rei said.

"That's why we're going to tail them," said Usagi. "It's not only to make sure those two are safe but also to make sure if an enemy shows up, we'll be there to help them."

"Don't even think about justifying this," Luna quipped. "It's still spying, plain and simple."

"And yet here we are, sticking around, not stopping them," sighed Artemis wryly. "Not that they'll listen to us anyway."


Minako and Harusuke walked along their way, first stopping at an ice cream stand and buying some cones.

Minako got herself two scoops of lemon and cherry, while Harusuke got vanilla and chocolate.

As they walked while eating their ice cream, they checked out some of the shops.

While they did, Minako watched Harusuke as he ate his, waiting for an opportunity to arrive.

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