Date #3 Rei Hino

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Harusuke had just finished getting himself dressed and was on his way. His destination was the Hikawa Shrine. He was wearing a plain T-shirt with a pair of slacks and sneakers.

Before long, Harusuke could see the foot of the steps leading up to the shrine, and standing there waiting for him was Rei.

She wore a red crop top with a circular opening on her chest, which showed off her midsection, and white pants with pumps.

"Hey, Rei! Sorry if I'm a bit late!" Harusuke called as he approached her. "Were you waiting long?"

"Not at all. I just got here a few minutes ago myself," Rei said with a smile. "I hope you're ready because I've got an awesome outing planned for us, and I'm sure you'll enjoy it and learn some things from this."

"In that case, I leave you in your care, Rei," smiled Harusuke. "Shall we go?"

But as Harusuke was about to start walking, Rei began to look around suspiciously, much to the boy's confusion.

"Um... Rei?" Harusuke questioned. "Is everything OK?"

But Rei glared around suspiciously, checking everything in the area as if she was looking for something. Then, Harusuke had a hunch.

"Hey, are you worried about Usagi and the others spying on us?" he asked.

Rei looked at Harusuke and nodded. "Of course. Knowing how nosybody the others can be, I wouldn't be surprised if they were spying on us right now."

Harusuke chuckled. "Well, I'm not going to deny that, but I doubt they would be spying on us right now. Usagi's going out with Mamoru and Chibiusa, so we don't have to worry about her."

"But what only leaves Minako, Ami, and Makoto. They may not seem like it, but they can be just as nosy," pointed out Rei. "Especially Minako, who, in case you haven't noticed, can be like Usagi's clone."

"Come on, Rei. I don't think we have to worry," soothed Harusuke. "Let's just focus on having fun. That is the point of our little outing, right?"

Rei then sighed. "Yeah, you're right," she resigned. "I'm overthinking this way too much." She then smiled brightly. "Then, what do you say we get going?"

"Sounds good," said Harusuke.

The two then walked off together.

But as they did, Minako, Makoto, and Ami peeked out from behind a telephone pole, having been watching them. They each were wearing casual clothes as disguises.

"Whew. That was a close one," said Minako. "I thought for sure Rei would find us. Her senses as a priestess will make things a bit more tricky."

"Thankfully, Usagi's out with Mamoru and Chibiusa," said Makoto. "If she tagged along with us, she would have gotten us caught for sure."

"But, is this really necessary?" asked Ami. "I know we've been spying on Harusuke with his practice dates, but I think we should stop."

Artemis then popped his head out from Minna's handbag. "That's what I've been saying! But does anyone listen to me?! No!"

"Come on, Ami! We're your sense of romantic adventure?" Minako chided. "Besides, you say that, yet you're sticking with us."

Ami couldn't help but blush while saying nothing.

"And as for you, Artemis, keep quiet; otherwise, you can forget about getting the limited edition sardine-flavored cat treats I promised you," Minako added.

Artemis scowled as he slowly sunk back into the bag. "Minako, you really know how to play dirty," he grumped.

But Minako paid no mind. "Now then, after them girls!" she ordered. "Let's continue our spying/supervising excursion while ensuring it goes smoothly!"

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