Date #1 Makoto Kino

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Harusuke was waiting beside the fountain over at Juuban Park. He was dressed in a yellow T-shirt with silver designs and black shorts. It was around ten in the morning, and the sun shone, showing it was a beautiful day.

Not long after, Harusuke heard a familiar voice call out.

"Yo! Harusuke!"

The boy looked and just in time to see Makoto approaching him. She was sporting a short sleeveless dress that showed off some of her curves, colored dark green with yellow trims, and light brown ankle boots and yellow socks.

"Sorry I'm a bit late," said Makoto. "Were you waiting long?"

"No. Not really," replied Harusuke. "I just got here a few minutes ago myself. By the way, I love the outfit you're wearing. You look good in it."

Makoto smiled while winking. "Thanks. I appreciate the compliment."

"So, what did you have in mind for today?" asked Harusuke. "Any places you wanted to go?"

"Heck yeah, I do," said Makoto. "I don't know what you and Minako did on your practice date, but I'll teach you some things that not even a dating expert like her would know. So look forward to it."

"I will," chuckled Harusuke. "Just go easy on me with the tips and info. My brain can only take so much."

"Don't worry. Today is going to be nothing but having fun," said Makoto. "Now come on. We're burning daylight."

The two then set off together, leaving the park and heading into Downtown Juuban. Eventually, they entered the shopping mall and entered a clothing store on the third floor.

"Well, this certainly seems normal," Harusuke commented to Makoto. "I would have thought you would choose something extravagant like a theme park or something."

"Yeah, I did consider that, but then I figured I'd pick something closer to home," said Makoto. "Plus, there were some outfits I wanted to check out and try on. And maybe I want to see you in certain outfits."

The two started looking around, checking out whatever clothes struck them fancy. As they did, a group of people watched them outside the store, the group turning out to be Usagi, Chibiusa, and the rest of the group. All of them were wearing various disguises so they wouldn't be recognized.

"Never would have guessed that Mako would take Harusuke here of all places," said Usagi. "I figured that she would take him somewhere like a gym. They both do like working out, after all. But then again, she might be more traditional than I gave her credit for."

"I must admit even I have to approve of this," nodded Minako. "Well played, Mako."

"I still don't get we're spying on them like this," said Ami. "Don't you think that we should leave them alone?"

"You say that, and yet here you are spying along with us," Rei pointed out.

"Seriously. Don't these girls have anything better to do than butting into other people's business?" sighed Luna.

"Don't ask me," said Artemis. "I'm still wondering why they're doing this in the first place."

"If you must know Artemis, we're here to watch and observe," said Usagi. "After all, we've got to keep a sharp eye out for any signs of trouble."

"That's right," concurred Minako. "After all, given my recent experience, you never know when someone might come and ruin things." She then scowled while cursing towards the roof. "Especially a couple of stupid jerks that could happen come along and not only ruin every single bit of hard work to plan that date but also defile the sanctity of one's beautiful dreams!"

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