shidou: f!reader

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(scenario: you are the schools role model student, and ryusei is your annoying but cute enemy that often flirts with you to annoy you)


"Hey (y/n)! You said you needed notes from world history right? Here!" Your classmate broke the silence in the library as he called out to you. You turned to your side as you stood up. "Thank you, (cm/n)!" You smiled softly, taking the notebook. You gave him a hug and a friendly kiss on the cheek, as you did with most people.

Little did you know, a jealous Shidou Ryusei was watching. You walked back to your seat and flipped through the notebook given to you. A set of familiar footsteps walk to the seat infront of you, taking it with no hesitation. You knew who it was, so you decided to ignore it. "Not even a hi?" Shidou said, his voice a little bitter. You looked up to him, with a hint of annoyance in your eyes. "Hi." You responded, looking back down at what you were doing.

A minute passed by and there wasn't a word said to eachother after that. "You love studying, huh? Expected for the School's Model student." Shidou said, breaking the awkward silence. "That guy your boyfriend or what?" He said, referring to your classmate from earlier. "Just a friend, that's all." You told him, not bothering to make eye contact or stop what you were doing to talk. "Really? Do ya kiss all your friends?" He responded, a hint of jealousy in his tone. "Jealous?" You said, finally looking up to make eye contact with him. "Yeah. Got a problem?" Shidou raised an eyebrow, a slight smirk on his face as he spoke.

You leaned back on your seat, stretching your arms a bit. Shidou went a little into thought, but after a minute or so, spoke up. "Why are you so sweet to other guys but cold to me, hm?" He asked, his jealousy more obvious now. You did not respond, instead flipping through the notebook from earlier. Shidou decided to stand up, and to your surprise, leaned over, putting his knee up on the table. He gently held your chin up with his hand and got a bit closer. Shidou seems to be examining your face, and after a few seconds, he speaks again.

"You are so beautiful. You shouldn't be giving hugs and kisses away to guys like that." He spoke, his tone gentle and low. "You should put a price on those kinda things. We would be lucky enough just to feel the presence of a woman like you. You deserve better, (y/n)" He added, his tone now deep and passionate. Indeed, it was attractive. "Isn't that prostitution or something?" You laughed a little, your tone of voice seems to be comfortable. "That's when you get payed to fuck some lonely guy that couldn't get a woman to grace him with her touch." He responded, jokingly. You smile, not only with your mouth but with your eyes as well. Shidou could not help but admire how a human being could be so beautiful. He couldn't help but get flustered, so he let go of your chin and sat back down. He rested his elbow on the table and covers his face, blushing a bit. He looks back at you through the spaces of his fingers and he caught a glimpse of you licking your lips.

It was one of your habits, as your lips tended to get dry. Shidou covered his face, while looking away. "Don't lick your lips like that.." He mumbled, loud enough for you to hear. His voice was a bit shaky as he spoke, clearly flustered. "Why not?" You responded, crossing your arms as you leaned back into your chair. "Your makin' me wanna kiss ya." He mumbled once again, his blush spreading to his ears. You got up and walked to his side of the table and you removed his hand from his face. You covered his eyes as you leaned in to kiss him. As your lips finally connected, you felt him get extremely warm. His hands found their way to your waist as your own hands cupped the sides of his face. This lasted for about a few seconds, before you pulled away. You immediately got back to your seat and got back to studying. "Why'd ya stop?" Shidou asked, his face still red and a smirk on his face. "I had to. I'd get too carried away if i didn't." You responded, looking down and away from him. He grabbed one of your hands and laced them with his own, which made you look up at him. "How about this; After school, you meet me outside the school, and we go on a date. Wherever you want. Then after that, we go home to my place, and that's where you can get carried away. That sound good for ya?" He suggested, his voice warm and soft. "Okay." You said, smiling warmly. He lifted your hand as he held it, and brought it up to his lips to give you a kiss on the hand. A smile carved itself on your mouth, not being able to stop yourself from getting flustered at his loving action. The bell rang right as he did this and you immediately got your things ready to leave. Before you left, you absolutely made sure that you gave him a kiss goodbye.


JENSEJJSISEJEB hi guys!!! it is 7:08 am rn and i have not eaten breakfast, i am laying in bed, making fanfic. this idea randomly came to me while i was thinking of scenarios before sleeping. this will probably have alot of enemies to lovers cos its my favorite trope ever, but there will be friends to lovers aswell!! I'll probably make alot of shidou and nagi ones, cos their my favs. thankies for readingg!! <3


(word count: 993)

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