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I've been thinking heavy about everything Cyan said the past 3 months and I realized I handled the whole situation wrong. We've been friends and I tried to just jump straight into a relationship not realizing that I'd get two different versions of her just like she'd be getting two different versions of me.

I also realized how bad I hurt her feelings and I've been feeling like shit about it. She hasn't been talking to me since.

I'm fucked up about everything but I get where she's coming from so I just gotta take it to the chin. Imma take care of what I need to and then show her I mean what I say.

I finished rolling my blunt then got my keys and wallet and headed out the door. I had to go to the office to pick up some paperwork and then I had to go head to Alyse's house. She's been blowing up my phone from different numbers and threatening me because I told her I was done for good.

After everything it was hard for me to just leave her alone so we were still having sex, and now I see why it wasn't a good idea.

I'm usually not one for confrontation but I refuse to have her around here acting crazy. It's bad for business and I don't want people attaching her craziness to my name. I really don't understand why she's tripping like she isn't the one that cheated, though.

I finally made it to the office so I just pushed everything to the back of my head and got straight to work. I had contracts to sign and I had to assign certain employees to their job sites. It's going to be a busy day.


I was finally back at my apartment building and tired wasn't even the word to describe how I felt. I was genuinely just so ready to lay down.

When I went to Alyse' house she started tripping out and swinging on me so I ended up having to call my sister to come beat her ass. It's just been a long ass day, honestly.

I got up to my floor and saw the leasing manager putting a padlock on Cyans door making my heart drop.

"Aye! She moved out or something?" i asked him feeling myself getting upset.

"Yeah" he said before walking off and going to the elevator.

There's no way she moved without saying anything. I went into my apartment and put my stuff down before trying to call her, but it went straight to voicemail. I sent her a text message but it never delivered letting me know that I was blocked.

I scrolled through my contacts and clicked on the name hearing it ring.

"Yes Ryan?" she asked answering the phone.

"Where she at?" i asked.

"Minding her business, she don't want to talk." she said.

"Shay, she just upped and packed her apartment without saying a word to me. I just want to talk to her." i said getting frustrated.

"Bullshit! You know I been rooting for you, praying you came to your senses but you just don't seem to get it. Ryan, you've only been thinking about yourself throughout this whole situation and that's exactly why she moved the way she did. She tried to talk to you for weeks and tell you how she felt and you were only worried about YOUR feelings. Then you bring that bitch in front of her camera to try to be funny? You lucky moving and blocking you is all she did." she said before hanging up.

"FUCK!" i screamed throwing my phone on the ground.


"Shay-" i started to say when she hung up the phone but she cut me off before i could finish.

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