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After Crain's house John B dropped everyone back off at their houses and said he had to go and do something quick, but to meet at his later. Amelia chilled at home and got some cleaning done until she heard JJs bike pull up. she met JJ and pope outside and they made their way over to the chateau. Once they made it onto the porch they saw none other than Sarah Cameron relaxing on the couch next to John B.
"Oh god" Amelia said under her breath. Kie was the last one in, and by the time she got inside everyone was sitting and waiting for the show to start. Amelia sat on the armrest of JJs chair and next to her was pope sitting on a stool, the three of them sat themselves as far away as possible.
"No effing way" Kie said once her eyes landed on Sarah.
"You brought her here? So what? She's in on this now?" John B looked at the three on the other side of the room, hoping for some assistance. Amelia shook his head at the boy, because how could he be so stupid to bring Kies only enemy to their safe house. pope shrugged his shoulders and said,
"I dunno"
"Look, all i care about is her cut comes out of your share." JJ said, valid point there.
"You know, I don't remember taking a vote. This is our thing. A pogue thing" Also valid point kie. Amelia nodded her head, at this point she was fully on Kies side and was extremely unhappy with John B.
"I gotta say, I'm a tad uncomfortable with all of this." Pope said.
"Yeah me too" Amelia agreed.
"Thank you!" Kie said
"When are you not uncomfortable pope?" John B slightly shouted.
"I dunno. I rode here on the back of JJs bike pretty comfortably" pope argued back.
"It's true. Most relaxed I've ever seen him" JJ agreed.
"How cute" Amelia to the two boys next to her.
"It's cute guys." John B said sarcastically.
"You know we were all extremely comfortable until you brought her." Kie said with an emphasis on her.
"Stop talking about me like I'm not here!" Sarah finally spoke.
"Then leave" Amelia suggested, trying to help Kie out a little. JJ let out a little chuckle.
"I told you." Sarah scoffed.
"Told him what, exactly? That you're a liar?" Kie started but was interrupted by Sarah,
"No, that you're a shit-talking bitch" Amelia went to get up and slap this girl that was disrespecting kie, but JJ put his arm over her, not letting her get into the middle of things. Pope gasped next to her. JJ pulled money out of his pocket using his other hand and started placing bets with pope.
"My moneys on kie" he said
"Obviously. That box blonde has nothing on her." Amelia mumbled, still intensely watching Sarah and Kie go at it.
"Everybody shut up!" John B yelled, and everyone did.
"Kie your my best friend, right?" He said looking at the girl who didn't respond.
"And Sarah, you're.. you're my.." he started and then shrugged. Amelia watched with a cringed expression on her face.
"Say it" she said softly to him.
"You're my girlfriend." JJ looked at Amelia and shook his head with a shocked and disappointed look.
"Ohh.. that's new" pope commented.
"She's your girlfriend now? What was all that talk about you were just using her for information. Get a map, cut her loose" Kie said and Amelias jaw dropped at the harshness.
"You said you were using me?" Sarah asked.
"No" john B lied, but everyone was quick to set him straight.
"Yeah you did. You said those things.
"You sure did JB"
"Look love just walked in, okay? I didn't expect it." John B defended
"Love? You guys have known each other for like two days!" Amelia said completely flabbergasted.
"Oh vomit."
"It just kinda happened... and I'm not gonna deny it. Right?" he said looking at Sarah who just wore a pissed off face.
"Oh that's corny." Pope whispered.
"Look cut the bullshit, john B. If she's in, I'm out"
"Kie I'm not doing this"
"You are gonna decide"
"I can't!"
"I'm very interested, actually. Me or her?" Amelia leaned back, feeling very awkward and uneasy.
"Both" He said simply.
"went for the Hail Mary" JJ whistled.
"Bad move"
"Noooo" Pope whispered. Kie turned and walked out. Amelia stood up, this time JJ letting her.
"You truly are an idiot John B" she said and followed kie out to the dock. She sat next to the girl and let her legs hang off the edge.
"I'm sorry John B is stupid" Amelia said to the girl who was now crying.
"I just don't get it. Why does she always win?" Kie cried out.
"What happened between you two?" Amelia asked, still in the dark as to why the two hate each other so much.
"it doesn't matter. John B basically chose her."
"Well then he lose both of us. I'm not doing this without you." Amelia said wrapping her arm around the girl.
"Thank you Mel" Kie sniffled. Amelia heard footsteps on the dock and turned her head to make sure it wasn't John B. Pope made his way down the dock and Amelia decided to get up and have a trade off.
"How about girls night at yours tonight?" She asked kie as she stood up. Kie nodded and smiled at the girl. Amelia turned and made her way up the dock, passing by pope.
"All yours" She said to pope as they passed. Amelia made her way back into the chateau and found JJ and John B talking in the kitchen. She went to john B and took his beer, now claiming it as hers.
"I honestly can't believe you right now." She said to him and taking a sip of the beer.
"What am i supposed to do?" He said as if this was the hardest thing to understand.
"I don't know, maybe not betray your friends?" She said
"Mel cmon that's dramatic."
"Figure it out John B. I'm out until you do." She said grabbing her bag.
"Wait Mel come on we have a plan" John B said trying to stop her.
"I don't care. Leave me out of it." She said and left the chateau. She went back to her place and started to pack an overnight bag for Kies. She heard her front door open and in walked JJ.
"You running away now?" JJ said holding up the throw about clothes.
"No, I'm sleeping at Kies."
"What? Then where am I sleeping?" He said pouting at the girl.
"You can still sleep here. Or at John Bs bud." She said smiling at the stupid blonde.
"But who will keep me warm at night?" He said walking over to her and wrapping his arms around the girl.
"I have a nice fuzzy blanket in the closet. It's for special occasions only though." She said raising her eyebrows at him.
"Are you really out of the g-game?" He asked sadly.
"Until kie is back on board yes."
"But I don't want to do it without you" He whined and pulled her closer into his body. She laughed and pushed him away.
"Well then tell that to our dumb ass friend." JJ grabbed the hand that she used to push him away and pulled her back into him. He looked down at her and tucked her hair behind her ear. Both of them went quiet. They both glanced back and forth at each others lips and started to slowly lean in. The world went silent around them as their lips slightly grazed one another.
"Mel" JJ breathed out and closed his eyes.
"It's okay" she said softly. His eyes met hers and got all the confirmation he needed. He quickly brought his hand up to cup her cheek and brought his lips to hers. Their lips softly met one another's very cautiously and slowly, afraid to break this moment. The kiss lasted a second before they both pulled away to figure out what the other was thinking, but once they saw each other they both had ginormous smiles on their faces.
"What are you thinking about?" She asked the boy who stared at her in awe.
"That I like that. A lot" he said, pulling her back in. The kiss slowly became more and more heated, all of the pent up tension finally being released. Amelia led him to the bed, not separating their lips for a second. Amelia leaned back on the bed and JJ hovered over her, moving from her lips to her neck. Amelia sighed in pure bliss and ran her hand through his hair, slightly pulling at the ends earning a groan from the boy. JJs hand smoothly moved under her shirt, lifting the fabric up ever so slightly and grazing the skin of her stomach. His lips made their way back to her lips as they continued to make out. Amelia flipped them over so that she was straddling his waist and removed her shirt, leaving her in a lacy bralet. JJ sat back and shamelessly looked over her body. She bit her lip and leaned back in, this time running her hands under his shirt and feeling the defined muscles.
They both heard the door open and close and immediately halted. Amelia jumped off of JJ and grabbed her shirt pulling it back on.
"Mel you ready to go?" Kie called out from the living room.
"Yeah one second!" Amelia yelled out. She shoved whatever clothes she had lying around in her bag and hurriedly went to the door. JJ grabbed her hand and gave her one last kiss. She smiled into it but pulled away.
"We will finish this later. You stay here" She said quietly and with a smirk.
"Yes ma'am" He said, sitting back on her bed. She fixed her hair and made her way out into the living room where kie was.
"Okay lets go eat some ice cream and watch some movies" She said cheerfully to Kie. Kie looked at her up and down and furrowed her eyebrows.
"You good. Your all flustered."
"Yeah fine. I was running around trying to find the matching bottoms to my bathing suit. Let's go" She said pushing passed Kie and walking to her car.

As much as i would love to just let y'all have it... I love a tease.

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