Chapter 12

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5 months later
peter moved in with her in her new home after they fucked in every place they could and after decorating it too. Y/N Had Her Dream Life, Everything Was Perfect. Y/N and Pepper Grew Closer Day By Day, Morgen was like the little sister she never had and Happy Became One Of her Closest Friends. One Day Y/N woke up and saw Peter was gone "spiderman is out and about" Y/N thought as she got up and went into the kitchen to get something to eat until she saw happy outside getting out of the car. Y/N got up and opened the door "Get Ready!" Happy says sternly while smiling "Ook?" Y/N says as she goes to her room and changes her clothes for the day then leaves with happy.

Y/N Outfit For The Day👇(Feel Free To Change It)

Happy Stops In Front Of An Empty Field Fill With Flowers, Happy Gets Out And Puts Out His Hand helping Y/N get out of the car "What Are We Doing Here Happy?" Y/N asks "Go Into The Field And Wait There For Him, He's On His Way Here Now" Happy says ...

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Happy Stops In Front Of An Empty Field Fill With Flowers, Happy Gets Out And Puts Out His Hand helping Y/N get out of the car "What Are We Doing Here Happy?" Y/N asks "Go Into The Field And Wait There For Him, He's On His Way Here Now" Happy says smiling and getting back into the car "Call Me When It's Over And I'll Pick You Up And Take You To work" Happy says before driving away. Y/N walks into the field and felt peaceful and happy, she had everything she had every wanted in life. she rubbed her belly until she suddenly

"Hello There Mommas" Peter's says coming behind her and rubbing her belly then pulling away as he whispers in her ear "close your eyes mommas" Peters says softly as Y/N instantly does what she is told. She feels Peter pull away grabbing her hand "open them babies" Peter says as Y/N opens her eyes and sees Peter down on one knee in his spiderman suit with a ring that had rubies and sapphires on it "Y/F/N  Y/M/N  Thompson, Will You Marry Me?" Peter says as Y/N starts to cry "Yes!" she says quickly as Peter stands up and kisses Y/N while putting one hand on her tummy "I'm The Luckiest Man Alive" Peter says "And I'm The Luckiest Woman Alive" Y/N says back kissing peter, he pulls away putting the ring on her finger "I have to get back to being spiderman now but I love you and I will see you later mommas" Peter's says winking then kissing her cheek then putting his mask back on

"see you later spiderman" Y/N yells out to him as he swings away on his webs yelling "I Got The Girl" peters cheers in happiness as Y/N stood there and watched him for second laughing at this side of him. Y/N called happy "Sooo" happy said answering the phone "I Said Yes" Y/N said knowing that happy knew what he was up to from the beginning "Congratulations Y/N, your gonna be a mom and a wife soon. How do you feel" happy asks happily "I feel like my dream like is becoming a reality" Y/N says giggling "Well I'm Here And You Look Pretty Today Miss" Happy says on the phone as you see him pull up "your a Carol like Peter" Y/N says jokingly as she hang up the call and walks to the car and heads to work "Y/N rushes into pepper's office "Hello Hon" Pepper says getting up and putting a hand on your tummy "Howard you and the baby doing" pepper ask softly leading you to sit down "I feel great, peter purposed to me this morning" Y/N says showing her the ring "Oh Peter really out did himself, god he loves you so much Y/N, thank you for everything you've done for him" pepper says as the phone ring and she rolls her eyes "I have to get back to it but congratulations y/n" pepper says smiling as she rushes to her desk and picks up the phone "I need you to get lunch and pick up morgen and take her wherever she wants to go but I have a meeting so I'll be gone for about 3 hours or so" pepper says then continues to talk on the phone as Y/N gets up and walks outside and gets into the car and happy takes her to pick up morgen "Y/N!" Morgen says as she sees me, she kisses me on the cheek as happy smiles getting out of the car and buckling her in her seat then we go and back to the tower because she wants to be in the lab with Peter, we gets there and we walk to his lab "Peter Baby?" Y/N calls out as Peter come sour of nowhere "Hello There Mommas" Peter kisses my cheek then he pick up morgen and says "I made you something, close these pretty eyes of yours" he says tickling her making her laugh as she closes her eyes and keeps them closed, he sits her down on the couch and grabs a red necklace with a tiny reactor on it "it's so cool, what does it do?" Morgen asks "put your finger on it and keep it there for a second and find out" peter says smiling at her as she does exactly what he said then suddenly a purple suit kind like a mini version of Tony Ironman nanotech suit and lights lit up on the hand to really resemble her father "It's harmless, right?" Y/N asks Peter "of course, it doesn't fire anything but it's good, isn't it mommas" Peter asks "yes it is" y/n says as she sees morgen speechless then suddenly she starts to cry "what's wrong" Y/N and Peter Both Ask as she hugs peter tightly "thank you, thank you so much. It reminds me of daddy, thank you" morgen says "your welcome little one" Peter says smiling as she grabs Y/N's hand, Y/N kisses Peter while we rush to pepper's office to show her "so peter made her something and I promise you, it's harmless, I even checked" y/n says entering the room with morgen in her new suit "look mommy, I look like daddy" morgen says running up to her mom and putting a little in her face and saying "I'm Ironheart" Morgen Says "Where Did You Come Up With That Baby" Pepper Asks "Well Daddy Used To Tell Me I Was His Heart And People Called Him Ironman So I Put The Two Together" morgen says shrugging "well I love it, it fits you vary well my little ironheart" pepper says smiling then Y/N takes her to the park for a little bit then happy takes both of us home while picking up pepper.

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