You can't do this to me...

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Giyuu woke up to Sanemi being cold and distant towards him. 

"Sanemi... What's wrong are you okay?" Giyuu sounded worried, and he tried to comfort Sanemi just to be pushed away.

Sanemi walked off, and he started to pack bags. 

Giyuu saw that lots of the belongings weren't even Sanemi's. He was confused, but didn't want to upset him even more. 

Giyuu seen a tear fall from Sanemi's eyes. He really wanted to comfort him; but he was too afraid that Sanemi would get upset. 

"Giyuu... We're breaking up... This is not working out... Find-Find a place to stay for the time being." 

Sanemi pushed the bags towards Giyuu, handing him 50$ in cash. 

"No..! No! You can't do this to me..!-" 

He felt hot tears threaten to spill out of his eyes, and he began to cry. He tried to swallow all of the sadness, guilt, and tears down, but it felt like an apple was wedged in his throat. 

"I'm sorry. Just.. Just find somewhere to stay. We will talk about this another time. Go..!" 

Sanemi turned away, walking to the room and ultimately left Giyuu there in the closet. 

Giyuu cried and cried, but he had to do something.  He got up, grabbed the bags and money, and headed out the door. He didn't know where exactly he would stay, but he had to go somewhere.

Giyuu stopped at Mitsuri's house to stay at. He knocked on the door, his tears slowing down. 

When Mitsuri opened the door, Giyuu ran up and hugged her through tears. Mitsuri was awfully surprised, she didn't expect the cold and expressionless Giyuu to hold so much emotion. 

Mitsuri hugged him back, asking the obvious question. 

"G-Giyuu, what happened?" 

Giyuu's breath hitched, and he looked up at her.

"Sanemi broke up with me!" 

Mitsuri looked shocked at Giyuu's statement, her eyes widening at his words. She gasped, and looked at him dead in the eye. 

"What?! Why?!"

Mitsuri's question just caused more tears to fall from his eyes. He tried to stop crying, but it just made him cry harder. 

"I don't know! But he packed my bags and told me to...- To leave! I really don't know what I did, but- But he kicked me out and told me to find a place to stay!"

Mitsuri just became practically speechless at this point, this was honestly not only heart-wrenching, but the cold, emotionless hashira was standing at her doorstep crying in need of a place to stay. Not to mention, the couple that loved each other as far as she knew, just broke up.

"I- You... You can stay here! There is no need to worry!"

Mitsuri grabbed some of the bags and Giyuu's hand, leading him to the spare bedroom. She placed down the bags and brought the rest in while Giyuu cried. 


Later, when Giyuu stopped crying and calmed down, Mitsuri and him began to talk. 

"So, Giyuu. If you don't mind me asking, what happened?" 

Giyuu swallowed, beginning to speak.

"I don't mind... Yesterday night, I oddly woke up in the grass. When I got home, Sanemi looked surprised and asked if I had forgotten what happened earlier. I said yes, and the next day he was acting weird again. He was upset, and he started packing things. I realized they weren't even his things. Next thing I know, he said that he was breaking up with me. He handed me 50$, and my bags. Then he told me to go find somewhere to stay. So I came here." 

Giyuu and Mitsuri went on to talk about it for a while, until Mitsuri suggested something. 

"You could call him. I think you should talk to him about it. If you aren't comfortable talking about it t him though, you don't have to."  

Giyuu just nodded at her words, breathing in and out before responding. 

"I think I should."

Mitsuri just nodded back to Giyuu, looking serious. 

"I can leave the room while you two speak to each other. It wouldn't be right to have me snooping around while you two are on call." 

Giyuu looked at her, and for the first time in a while towards her, he smiled softly.

"I would like that."

Mitsuri got up and left the room, smiling back at him.

Giyuu dialed Sanemi's number, bringing the phone up to his ear. 

The phone rung for a second, and Sanemi picked up. 



Hey you guys! I had to study for an exam, so it's not 1,000 words, but it is 874! That means it was 357 words more than yesterday's fic! Sorry for the cliffhanger for the people who are actually interested, because I mostly only post on Fridays/Weekends! But I promise I'll try to get a few chapters in on the weekdays! It is going to be summer in 5-6 days, so I'll be able to get in lots of chapters during that time! I'm not really good under pressure, so please don't pressure me in the comments for more chapters! Love you guys, and see you in tomorrow's chapter!


Just had to quickly clarify this: Yes, I know that the youtube music is NOT clickable! And I know that you can't ctrl-c it either! Have a good day!! :) <3 

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