She said...WHAT?

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Giyuu was surprised that Sanemi actually answered, but he still had to speak back.

"Hey. We need to talk." 

Giyuu wasn't sure how Sanemi felt about this. he wasn't sure if he really felt sad, mad, or even upset. There was no telling. Sanemi was good at masking his voice's emotions, and he honestly wouldn't be surprised if he was right now. 

Sanemi was staying silent, waiting for Giyuu to speak.

"Why. Why did you break up with me?" 

Giyuu could hear Sanemi's scoff from the other line. Giyuu felt aggravated at Sanemi's audacity to scoff at his words.

"You of all people should know what you did, Giyuu. You know what you did."

Giyuu was as confused as ever, and he took a deep breath so he didn't just yell at Sanemi through the phone. 

"No. I really don't know what I supposedly did. Tell me. What did I do?" 

Giyuu could sense Sanemi's anger rising, and he tried to not have an angry tone to make the other man angrier.

"You... You BITCH! You cheated on me, and now you are playing dumb! I'm NOT stupid! You CHEATER!"

Giyuu felt his throat go dry, and he was filled with confusion. He never cheated, and he knew that for a fact. He was silent for a moment, but then he spoke again. 

"Who...- Who told you that dumbass lie?"

Giyuu didn't sound angry. He didn't yell, but he didn't curse a lot either. His words surprised Sanemi, and that's a fact. 

 "Shinobu. And you know damn well it's not a lie, either. And I don't give a fuck that she told me not to tell you that it was her, because it's the damn truth." 

Giyuu was silent again for a minute, but he spoke again in a monotone voice like his last sentence.

"Well I didn't cheat and that's for a fucking fact. I'm not a cheater. What reason would I have to fucking cheat?"

This just made Sanemi angrier, and he spoke up quickly once more. 

"Shinobu wouldn't make up a dumbass lie like that! You know she wouldn't! You CHEATED! SO FUCK OFF!"

Sanemi hung up the phone, and angry tears filled Giyuu's eyes.

Mitsuri heard his cries, and she came in. 

"Giyuu..? What happened? Are you alright..?"

She hugged him, waiting for a response. 

Giyuu hugged her back in return, quickly breaking the hug. 

"Sanemi said that Shinobu said that I cheated on him."

Mitsuri looked shocked, and stayed speechless for a second. 

"Wh..What?! Why would she say that?!"

Giyuu looked down, sighing.

"I really.. I really don't know why she would say that. But Sanemi said that Shinobu had also said to not tell me that she told him. I don't know why she would have such motives to say such things. I don't know why she's doing this..."

Mitsuri lifted his face, looking him in the eyes. 

"I honestly don't know why she would do that, either. That wasn't very kind of her to do to one of her comrades. But... I think I can tell you something that might change some of the perspective on this."

Giyuu looked at her curiously, raising an eyebrow. 

"What..? What could you tell me?" 

She let go of Giyuu's chin, glancing down for a second, but then looking back up and beginning to speak. 

"When I and Iguro first started dating, Shinobu told me something. She said that she had a crush on you, but you were dating Sanemi. She told me that she may be plotting something sooner or later, but I just thought she was joking about the whole 'plotting something' thing. I think she only did that to get with you." 

Giyuu looked astonished, and he stayed quiet for a moment. 

"Wh...What? She... She did this... To get with me?" 

Mitsuri lightly shrugged, shaking her head. 

"I don't know. It is a big possibility... It is quite a cruel thing to do... I never expected her do something like that, though."

Giyuu was just speechless, and he stayed quiet for a long second. 

"I... I never... Ever expected this from Shinobu... Of all people... Really? Shinobu..?"

Mitsuri looked down, and began to speak. 

"I'll give you a second. But dinner is ready, and Iguro isn't going to be here for the week. So, he won't be at the dining table."

Giyuu nodded, his eyes still widened and his mouth still agape. 

Mitsuri walked off into the dining room, leaving Giyuu in the room. 

Later after dinner

"Alright Mitsuri. I think I'm going to head to bed now."

Mitsuri nodded, and Giyuu went into the spare bedroom.

Giyuu changed, and he got into the bed to sleep. But he just couldn't.

So many thoughts swirled around in his head, and he laid there trying to sleep, failing. 

He decided he needed to take a walk.

Giyuu didn't know where he would walk to, but he knew he had to walk somewhere

Giyuu got out of bed, and began to leave through the back door. 

He made sure to unlock the door so he could get back in. 

He walked for a bit, until he saw a lake. Nobody knew about this lake really in this city, except the Hashiras. 

He sat there, and began to think of the song 'Somewhere only we know'. He began to cry softly, until he felt a hand wiping his tears away.

"Ara, ara, are you okay, Tomioka-san? Poke, poke, Tomioka-san! Ne, ne, Tomioka-san? It's not very nice to ignore other people, Tomioka-san! "


Hey you guys!! So, I'm trying to post lots of chapters at once, and then take a break, and repeat. I don't want to leave you guys hanging, so when I know that I won't have time to do my daily chapters, I will do stuff like posting 3 chapters at once and then taking 3 days off. I hope you guys are okay with that, because it's currently 3:26 a.m and I'm awfully tired. Love you guys!!





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