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(Sorry for not updating!! I got writer's block! I hope you guys can forgive me!!! Also thank you so much for 105 reads!! Also, to the person that commented, THANK YOU!!! I got so much motivation!! I can't thank you enough.)

Giyuu was astonished. His eyes widened, and his mouth agape. Did Shinobu really have the audacity to just... Show her face to him... After that?!

Giyuu was silent for a long moment, his face transforming into an angry expression. "WHAT THE HELL?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?! AFTER YOU DID THAT?! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!-" 

Shinobu looked at him with a surprised expression, as if she had done nothing. Her throat felt dry, and she looked at him with eyes full of confusion and shock. "Did... Did Shinazugawa t-tell you that... I said... you know..?" 

Giyuu looked at the woman with pure rage, clenching his fists into balls. "YES. YES HE FUCKING TOLD ME, YOU SON OF A BITCH. WHY?! WHY WOULD YOU LIE LIKE THAT!?" Giyuu was mad that she was stuttering. That she was the one acting upset. She had wronged him so badly, and she acted like she had done nothing wrong. "KOCHO.- WHY?! WHY MAKE UP A LIE LIKE THAT!?"

Shinobu gulped, tears forming at the corner of her eyes. "I-I- I didn't think... That Shinazugawa would... Tell you that... I was the one that told him..!-" 

Giyuu smacked Shinobu, scowling. How could she be crying? How could she be the one upset right now? No. She can't be playing the victim right now. She just can't. "You are disgusting. I never want to see your face EVER  again."

She held her cheek where she was smacked, tears falling down her cheeks. Shinobu was heartbroken. She wanted to scream, she wanted to cry, and she wanted to fall to her knees and die right there and then. "But... Giyuu! I.. I love you!" 

Giyuu felt an intense anger build up in his chest once more. He felt angrier than ever. He felt his hands ball up once more, nails digging into his palms. He wanted to beat her. No, kill her. Like he wanted to rip out her larynx, and stomp on her esophagus. He wanted to scratch out her eyes with his dull, bitten nails. "Well... I DON'T FUCKING LOVE YOU! GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!"

Giyuu stomped away, Shinobu's heart crushed. He ran wherever he could get to. He cried, and cried, and cried. He knew Sanemi wouldn't believe him if he had told him the truth. That he hadn't cheated on him. He felt angry, sad, and exhausted. He wished he could just get this over with. He didn't want this to go on. He just wanted it over with.

He couldn't do anything about it. He couldn't just tell Sanemi that he didn't cheat and Sanemi believes him. He would have to get Shinobu to tell the truth. That he didn't cheat. But how? He just cursed her out, and it's not like he didn't tell her that he didn't want to ever see her face again. What would he do? It felt impossible to make this situation change. So he just got up in between sobs, and walked back to Mitsuri's estate. 

Once her got there, he forced himself to stop crying and silently crept back into his guest bedroom. Once he got back into his room, he cried again. But this time, he cried silently, pushing the pillow over his face to silence the cries. Mitsuri never stirred, never woke up. She was a heavy sleeper, and Giyuu was taking that to his advantage. 

He decided just to go to bed-- That would be the best thing to do. 

The next morning

Giyuu woke up the next morning and got seconds of happiness until he remembered what happened.

 He didn't want to live with Mitsuri anymore. It was draining, she was too energetic for him, and he was going through a rough time. Not to mention that Iguro was going to be back soon, and he was terrible to be around. He was rude, and never would accept Mitsuri being around another guy. 

But where would he go? Would Sanemi let him stay once again? No way. He would kill him for even suggesting that. Don't be dumb.

Well.. He did have 50$. But.. That would only last for 2 1/2 days at a hotel. Plus, food was awfully expensive at hotels.

What would he do, anyway? Literally he had no other place to stay. He couldn't stay at Muichiro and Gyomei's house. They were too religious for his liking. The only other place he could stay at would be Shinobu's... 

No! He couldn't stay at Shinobu's house! He couldn't... That would practically be taboo... Plus, he had already cursed her out and told her he never wanted to see his face again. There is no way... 

But.. What other choice did he have? Should he... Stay at Shinobu's...? 

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