Should I stay or should I go?

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 (I know I haven't updated this in a year... I'm sorry 😭. I'll try to stay consistent again. And YES, the title was inspired off of that one song 'Should I stay or should I go'.)

Giyuu made up his mind. He was going to stay at Shinobu's. That morning, when he went out to get breakfast from Mitsuri, he decided to tell her. He looked up from his plate, gently placing down his chopsticks. 


Mitsuri looked up, smiling brightly. 


Giyuu broke the news, confessing that he was going to go out and stay at another person's house. He didn't tell her it was Shinobu's though... He just couldn't. Mitsuri looked disappointed, but she didn't get angry. 


Later, Giyuu showed up on Shinobu's doorstep.  He softly knocked on the door, ringing the doorbell. When Shinobu opened the door, she looked shocked. It was clear she had been crying... 

"Shinobu... I'm sorry." 

He wasn't really sorry. He could care less, but he needed a place to stay. He felt pathetic... 

The only reason Shinobu let him in and forgave him is because she was in love with him. She let him in, even carrying his suitcase for him. She hugged him, sighing. "I'm so glad you forgive me," She mumbled, just fueling Giyuu's anger. He pretended like he was fine, but in reality, he was really pissed off. But he had to act.. Just for a little longer, until he found an official place to stay. 

"Me too." He whispered back, pulling away from the hug quickly. He nodded, before walking off. Shinobu was left confused and alone. Not that he gave a fuck anyway. Shinobu quickly followed behind him, her speed being too fast for him. After all, she was the fastest hashira. 

"Hey..Hey, Tomioka-san! Let me show you to your room!" She said nervously, looking up at him. "..Tomioka-san?"

Giyuu looked down at her, scoffing slightly. He tried to look as calm as possible, but his voice gave it away. "What." 

Shinobu's breath hitched, looking at him. "Um... If you're going to stay here, you have to sleep.. in the same bed as me."

Giyuu looked at Shinobu angrily, finally letting his true emotions show. "Why?!" He said, giving her a hard glare. "Why the fuck would I sleep in the same bed as you?! Are you fucking crazy? Mental?! What is wrong with you?!"

Shinobu looked astonished, not expecting the outburst. "..What?" Shinobu was silent for a minute, before speaking with an aggressive tone. "Because! If you're going to stay here you have to." Shinobu knew damn well she had another bedroom just for guests, but she wanted to sleep in the same bed as Giyuu. Even if she knew it was wrong to even feel that way.

Giyuu just got angrier, turning around to face her. "Then I'll leave!" He said smugly with a mixture of anger. 

Shinobu just laughed, looking up at him again. "Really? Where would you go, huh? The streets?" She giggled, rolling her eyes. 

Then it finally hit Giyuu. He really had nowhere to go, other than the streets. He was actually poor. He had spent all of his money on his and Sanemi's relationship, instead of keeping the money. He quite literally only owned $50.He would have to wait until his next paycheck to finally get his own money, that wasn't given to him. He went silent for a moment, before finally just nodding. "...Where is your room..?"

Now that Giyuu's smug expression was wiped off his face, Shinobu finally had one. She snickered before speaking. "Follow me." She began leading him to her room, thinking about all of the things she wanted to do. Even if Giyuu would never actually do it. 

Once they entered the room, she looked over to him. "Put your clothes in this closet. All of your other things can go in there." She said, pointing to a drawer. 

"All of my stuff is just supposed to fit in that drawer?" He asked, like Shinobu was an idiot.

"Well, not necessarily. I mean you can have the whole side table. Fucking idiot." She said, rolling her eyes again. She knew this just boiled his anger further, but it's not like he could really do anything about it but suck it up. 

Giyuu held his breath, trying to suppress his anger. "Okay." He said, knowing if he even tried to utter any more words, he would say something he'd regret. He wasn't really looking forward to fucking up more than he already has. 


In the morning, Giyuu woke up and decided to finally put his stuff away. He grabbed his suitcase, sighing as he grabbed his clothes out. He wasn't sure where Shinobu was, but he didn't care anyway. He was still pissed at her. I mean, who wouldn't be in his shoes? Nobody. 

After he put everything away, he realized something. The money wasn't in his suitcase anymore. It was gone. But it was there last night! What the fuck?

Once again, I am SO. SORRY.😭 I got writers block so bad. Another thing to apologize for is how short this chapter was. I'm currently trying to update 3 books all at once. One down, two to go. 😭 Thank you so much for all of the comments and views!! I love them so much!!! 

Word count: 827

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 30 ⏰

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