Prologue: Return

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The Alpha, who was currently Hana, was stuck buried underground. She wasn't dead, but she wasn't quite alive at the moment either. She was somewhat locked inside of her body and so someone had found her, presumed she was dead, and buried her. While that sounds utterly ridiculous, why would someone do that, this same person despised Hana's scheme to bring Hell to his knees. There was no name for the person, so Hana had no clue who to exact her anger upon, but that had been a few months ago. Now, she was barely aware of where she was, what time it was, or even if she was still underground, as it was pitch black wherever she was. or even if she was still underground, as it was pitch black wherever she was. She wasn't even aware of her body being slowly beat up by something that was constantly erupting into fire and throwing rocks up further, dislodging whatever she was lying on and occasionally flipping her back and forth. But all she was aware of was flashes of Hell, a mortal she didn't know with a beautiful face and a flash of a dark green glow coming from a scepter. The images felt like visions, but Hana had never, in her entire lifespan of 3 billion years, had visions. While her mind was away, somewhat, something thumped against a hard surface above her, jarring where she was laying. It didn't even faze her mind, as it couldn't recognize what was happening. Then light lit up the area where her body lay and someone gasped.

"Holy shit! I've found the body of a-Wait a minute. IS THAT THE ALPHA? OH MY GOD, THE REWARD I'LL GET FOR THIS! MY BROTHER'S SAVED! I GOTTA TELL..uh, her bodyguard or whatever. She's been missing for ages, and he's been screeching all the fucking time."

It was a young guy, no older than 17. He eagerly stepped into the hole and then stopped. He had no idea how to get her out. Then he shrugged, picked her up and half-carried, half-dragged her up to the surface then stopped, out of breath.

"Sheesh. Why is she so damn heavy?"

Hana's body didn't move but her mind was slowly returning to itself.

"Oh God, is she dead? Well crap, no wonder she was buried."

Her organs began waking up again and her mind finally returned 100 percent to her body. Pain slammed into her senses and as the guy typed a number into his phone, about to call her bodyguard rather than the police, her hand twitched as her agony set in. Hana's body shuddered and her eyes flew open, raw and red from pain, being buried underground and exhaustion. The guy jumped back, startled, when he looked up from his phone.

"Hello?" a man's voice said from his phone.

"Ayo! Dude, I found the Alpha!"

There was a sigh on the phone.

"I've been receiving this calls from different people, turns out they were scamming for money. Sorry kid, but you're not receiving-"

"No, seriously, dude, I found the Alpha! Alpha, say something to your bodyguard!"

Another sigh but a long pause ensued as the guy on the phone waited for a response. The Alpha shuddered and a small gasp left her lips as she experienced pain she had never felt before.

"Who is that? Doesn't sound like the Alpha-"

"Dude, no, seriously, it is! I swear!"

"Send a picture then."

The teen eagerly took a picture of the Hell Goddess and sent it to the bodyguard.

"What the-Why is she all beat up? Did you beat her up? I'm coming over right now, and you'd better have a good explanation-"

"Ah!" the teen shouted, startled. The Alpha's hand had summoned up a tiny bit of magic to seize the phone and bring it to her hand.


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