Chapter 4: The Alpha

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I tripped over something as I reappeared into my apartment and startled, I released a small wisp of magic.

"Damn. When did I ever get so clumsy?"

I walked over to the couch and sat down, shaking a tiny bit. I was about to lay down and fall asleep when someone cleared their throat.

"So, Alpha, how'd your first date with Nightwing go?"

"Hellificus, if you don't get the fuck out of my home, I swear to Hell-"

"Stop talking. I have something rather important for you to tell May Lyra."

"You mean the Slayer down in California that I'm pretty sure nobody ever really thinks about anymore, but is still one of the most powerful lower-class vampires and Slayers in Hell's history?"

"Yeah, sure."

"What is it?"

"A Draconic has returned."

"Are you sure you don't mean Lyra Draconic? Why would May care?"

"Because he's coming to find her. For some reason."

I held up a hand, narrowing my eyes.

"He? Who exactly do you mean?"

Hellificus spread her hands sheepishly.

"Maximus Draconic?"

"You're telling me to meddle in some fucked-up dragon shit that he's responsible for? He nearly blew up the Alpha source the fucking last time he was here!"

"Look, I'm just letting you know."

"While it may be my duty as an Alpha to protect, I am currently in no position to handle a dragon."

"I don't care. You're not letting him touch my former host."

"I don't fucking care about your stupid vampire slayer, parasite! Just leave me the fuck alone, Hellificus!"

"I will, if you protect her."

My teeth snapped together, and I clenched my hands.

"Fine. But only if you swear to leave me alone. Or I'll send you to the depths of Hell's darkest chambers."

"Fine. I swear to leave you alone, by all the power of the Alpha."

I seized Hellificus' hand and sealed the deal, with a flash of power that made the other goddess shudder and flinch.

"Well, that's done. Now get out, so I can rest."

Hellificus vanished without another word. I laid down on the couch and within 15 seconds, I was asleep. I slept through the night and until noon, then I woke up to a knocking on my door. Sleepy and still a bit groggy, I staggered up and off the couch, realizing my outfit had changed while I slept, into a pair of cute shorts and a sports bra. I hadn't even registered why that had happened when the knocking grew louder and my door shook just a bit. I sleepily walked to the door and opened it. Dick stood on the other side, looking a bit nervous.

"Hey," he said softly, looking down at my sleep outfit then glancing back up to my face.

"Um, yeah, hey, uh, Grayson, what, um, are you doing over here?" I replied, my voice hoarse and my eyelids struggling to stay open.

"I wanted to see if you were busy."

"Um, yeah, I will be, but not right now. I just woke up."

He cracked a wry smile.

"I can tell."

"Hey, now, that's not fair. You can't blame me for sleeping in, since you summoned in someone who's very annoying and irritating," I protested, sleepily banging my head accidentally on the door. Dick quickly stepped inside, closed the door and grinned at me.

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