Chapter 7: Nightwing

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"No, no. I saw her eyes. They were black. Blacker than the color black itself."

Meghan nodded at me.

"I was there too. It was thanks to you that I'm alive," she responded formally, then with a discreet motion, her lips were against mine. And to my greatest regret, I didn't pull away. Which is probably why we didn't happen to notice the explosions dimly booming outside. Or the apartment itself shaking for the next 12 minutes. But when I stepped up from the couch and looked out the window, I saw the fires and smoke rising from Gotham, and the Hex glowing bright red.

"Shit. We shouldn't have done this. Now Gotham's unprotected."

"You don't regret it though, do you, Dick?" she asked, rising as well from the couch and giving me a sly smile. I took a deep breath and exhaled.

"No. I don't."

"Then you shouldn't worry about this," she purred, but didn't make any move on me, which was good, for my self-control was wavering. I saw a figure rising above the flames, wreathed in dark wispy fog. It had sweeping vast black wings and a crown that was full on black Hellmetal. I shuddered away from the window.

"I have to go alert someone."

"Dick, I know you're Nightwing."

"Yeah, but it's not good for anyone to know too many secret identites."

"Um. Before you finish your gentle scolding, is it just me, or did that figure out there just get a hell lot closer?"

I turned around and barely avoided scrambling away as I came feet away from having a face-to-face greeting with the possessed body of what used to be Hanaleo.

"Oh God. Um. Hi?"

"Hello, Nightwing," the voice spat, radiating fury and seething magic.

", weren't you supposed to leave me alone? Alpha vow and all that?"

A snarl erupted from the black lips. The black eyes stared him down then without me noticing, shifted to Hana's normal eye color. Which meant Hana could actually see what was happening.

"That was before. This is now, darling, so I hope you realize, when you join Hell's ranks, you're just as impure as the rest. Fucked up egoheads. Just because you're Bruce Wayne's stupid shithead sidekick, doesn't give you a right to be a playboy as well," the voice snarled, Hana's eyes narrowing in hurt and anger.

"I'm not-We weren't even together!"

"But you're still a traitor. I promised to leave you alone because I may be disgusted by vampires and shitheads out there, she truly loved you, and I couldn't take that away. It's the last thing keeping her soul, before it crumbles when I grow too strong. You're the one keeping this together. If not for you, this dimension would be gone, because when an Alpha loses her soul, really, really, really, bad things happen. When an Alpha loses her soul, she loses everything. Because she doesn't have the ability to feel anything. Dick, I loved you. But the audacity you had to let me go..."

Hana choked on the last part, clutching at her throat, claws slashing the throat, letting black blood pour down, then her eyes turned black again. The body straightened and the magic forced him to his knees.

"You. Are. Dead. To. Us." the voice snarled, then kicked me away, sending me crashing into the back of the couch, knocking the wind of me.

"That's enough."

Meghan stepped around the couch, a sneer forming on her lips. The form shuddered as Meghan came forward, and something was shifting in her expression.

"What do you want, you bitch?" Hana spoke through a very raspy throat. She didn't move as Meghan came very close to her face.

"Your boy decided to kiss a Dragon Goddess, love," she whispered to her face. Hana didn't flinch back, but her teeth snapped together and disgust roiled across her features.

"Why should I care about him kissing a Dragon Goddess? Doesn't change what happened."

"Darling, you two were not even together. It doesn't change anything. All he did was find a better woman than a lonely, pathetic Alpha."

Hana's fists clenched, the claws sheathing, but her nails were sharp still, digging into her palms and letting blood flow down.

"You-" she couldn't finish her sentence, but black tears were pouring down her face. Meghan raised a hand to her face, and claws unsheathed. She carefully slid a claw down her face, letting more black blood pour down Hana's face.

"You got what you deserve, little bitch."

"I didn't get anything, Meghan," Hana coughed out, beginning to choke up again.


"I didn't give a shit in the first place. I knew you were here when I came back. It isn't coincidence that when Hell began to get a little fucking antsy up there, and you were kissing a low class vampire, that the Dragon Goddess had finally gone so low that she was no longer subtle, heh, so I already knew you were here, bitch," Hana snapped, her voice suddenly clearing and fury radiating in her eyes.

"What? I'm not some cheap *****! I know how to be subtle."

Hana rolled her eyes, letting more black tears pour down.

"Whatever. You're just as pathetic as I remember, Leanna."

Meghan flinched at the sound of her actual name, her Goddess name.

"I am not. You are. Because you did love him at one point-"

Hana finally flinched.

"So what if I did? I should've known better than to trust a fucking vampire," she snapped, letting her claws flick out again. But she didn't lunge at Meghan, instead, she spared her life, turning around and leaving the apartment. I, after watching all of this, winced as I got up and Meghan turned around to help me up.

"You look like you want something, Meghan," I muttered.

"Do you know?"

"Yes," I muttered. And that was the last thing I was capable of saying. 

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