chpt. 1

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How should I start? Was it the way his dimples popped out every time he smiled? Was it the caring personality he has for every living thing? Was it his passion for writing music?...

It's been about 3 years since the day I laid my eyes on such a beautiful human being. The problem? I don't think he even knows my name, yes I've bumped into him a few times here and there but I don't think he ever took the chance to know my name.

"Why don't you just talk to him? Surely it can't be that hard" Conan encouraged

I've known Conan since year 1, I'm not sure how we became close but I'm forever thankful for someone like him coming into my life... PLUS his cats are adorable!

"Well, I would, but I doubt he'd even want to continue a conversation with me, I can't even hold a conversation with my own friends," I replied

"Thea, I'm just helping you out here okay? who knows? Chris might just feel the same way, you never know until you try."

"That's the problem, I DO know he doesn't feel the same way, he talks to way prettier girls than me. There's no point in trying and embarrassing myself in front of him." I sigh planting my face on the lunch table

"I could encourage you more but I know you won't listen, the last thing I can tell you is that you shouldn't discredit yourself. If it's meant to be, it'll be." He ended the convo off.

Honestly, I try to convince myself that I'm the girl of Chris' dreams but I'd probably just lead myself on.

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