[{Chapter 40}] (The End)

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After 8 months.....

Nia's Pov

Rainy days always felt like the perfect season for me. Cause it was the time when I make a cup of hot chocolate and sit beside the window to talk with myself. It's been such a long time since I talked with myself. Coz everytime I tried to think or say something in my mind, my wolf would answer me back sarcastically or sassily. How memorable days were they!

But now, the days won't come back. My wolf won't come back.

Yeah, you read right. My wolf is no more.

It's been 8 months, so much has happened in this time. At the incident months ago, when Yeonjun kidnapped me, he injected me too much wolfsbane. And as wolves can't handle that much effect of wolfsbane, it killed my wolf.

I cried. Days and nights I starved myself. Because to us, our wolves are the main part of our life and I just lost this main part of mine forever. If it wasn't for the pup inside me, I would've killed myself by now.

Oh! I forgot to give you the good news. So..... I am pregnant! It's been 3 months since we got to know about my pregnancy. Everyone was so happy. Specially Bin. He directly cried while hugging me after hearing the news. It was a scene to witness. But he became more overprotective over me now. He is around me 24 hours like a magnet. Even if I am in bathroom, he would stand outside the door and guard me. I requested him to go office, but he strictly refused. *sigh*

About my brothers and dad. Dad is good now. He visits me frequently. And my brothers....Well... They would drop by our house to meet me and bring me so many foods. At first, they were angry at Bin for making me pregnant this early, but they forgave him eventually.

Mom and unnies are taking care of me too. Mom has already started setting a room for the upcoming baby. As we don't know the gender of the baby, Mom decided to decorate two rooms. One for a boy and one for a girl. They are so silly.

"What is my baby thinking?"Bin spoke making me look at the door. I didn't flinch as I already sensed his presence. Even though I can't smell him like before, but I can feel his presence whenever he is around me.

"Nothing. Just refreshing my mind. What did you bring?"I asked while eyeing his hands which were holding a bowl.

"Oh! Mom made chicken stew for you."Bin answered and sat on the bed, in front of me. Then he took a small portion of the stew in the spoon and blew it gently before feeding me.

"What are others doing?"I asked him after swallowing the food.

"Ria noona is feeding Myunghuk, Emi noona is helping Mom in cooking and Nihad is crying for my sister with a laughing Sanha beside him."he said to me in details making me laugh. This Sanha will never forget to make fun of everyone. Surprisingly my younger brother found Sua as his mate. But Sua isn't 20 yet so she doesn't feel the bond that much. Currently Sua is in the human world to complete her study leaving her mate here, who is always missing her and crying.

And if you are wondering, Myunghuk is MJ oppa and Ria unnie's babyboy. He is so damn cute. I love him so much.

When I was thinking all of these, a sudden question came into my mind.

"Umm....Bin. Who do you want as our child? A boy or a girl?"I asked while burrowing my eyebrows.

"Well...I don't have a problem with the gender. But I prefer a baby boy more."he answered with a dreamy smile on his face.

"Boy? I thought fathers always wants a girl."I stated earning a chuckle. I looked at him, wondering why he was laughing. But he just cupped my cheeks with both of his palms and spoke.

"I want a girl too. But, if it's a boy, then we both can protect you from the bad guys and take care of you together."I widened my eyes after hearing his words.

"No way! I don't want anymore guards around me. You, my brothers and my dad are enough to guard me."I said in shock while he just laughed out loud making me roll my eyes.

Slowly Bin stopped laughing and putted a serious expression on his face.

"What happened? Are you okay?"I asked worriedly after seeing the sudden change in his mood. He looked at me and gave me a weak smile.

"I don't want a baby girl cause if a girl take birth, then she will be the next princess whose mate will be the next king of our world. I don't want my daughter to face these complications which you had to face. I don't want to see my daughter sad or injured."he said making my gaze soft. He was referring to my current state. To be honest, I also don't want my daughter to face the things which I had to face. But, the world can't go the way we want.

To confront him, I took his left hand and squeezed it lightly making him look at me.

"Bin, I know what you want to say. But, this way, we will just put the world into danger. You know how much a king needs his mate beside him. We mustn't stop the story of the King of WEREWOLVES. A king is weak without his queen. We were sent into this world by the Moon Goddess for a reason. We should fulfill it at any cost."I said softly earning an understanding nod from him.

"Plus, we are always here for her to win the games of fate. We will protect our baby girl and give her the happiness she deserves."I said in a cheerful tone with a cheeky smile making the atmosphere happy. He also smiled and nodded his head before looking at me. We both stared at each other with a promising gaze and smiled softly.

Even if someone like Yeonjun comes, we will fight against him and protect our daughter. The next Queen of the 'WEREWOLVES' World.

The End

So....I finally finished WEREWOLVES. I hope you guys got the answers which were left unanswered. I am sorry for being late once again.

By the way, guys! Please tell me in the comment box how much you liked the story and do write the time when you finished reading this book in the comment box. I will be glad to read them.

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR LOVING MY STORY WEREWOLVES. Thanks to you all for supporting me and reading my story @everyone.

If you want, please check out my another Moonbin ff 'Complicated Love'. It's in my ID or you can check the description. I have gave the link there.

Love you all💖

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