Masks Off

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The gym offered some solace to Specter's emotions. Still, as soon as she noticed Ghost observing her vulnerability, she knew it was time to seek refuge in the last place that genuinely brought her comfort—the sanctuary of her plane.But now it was gone

(y/n) was determined to shield her vulnerability from Ghost, knowing all too well that he had made it clear he didn't believe she belonged in their midst. As a supposed leader, holding a higher rank than Ghost, she felt pressured to control her emotions. On the other hand, Ghost seemed to have a better grip on his own. (y/n) knew she had to regain her composure before Ghost questioned her.

(y/n) stood in front of the hangar, staring at pieces of her plane that the team recovered from her crash. Her mind was still filled with thoughts and doubts, and she couldn't shake the feeling that she had let her team down during their recent mission. She had always prided herself on being efficient and reliable, but things had gone awry this time.

Ghost had been silently observing her from a distance.

Quietly approaching, he called out to her, "Specter, mind if I join you?"

Startled, (y/n) turned to find Ghost standing there, his balaclava concealing his face.

She hesitated for a moment but then nodded. "You didn't come see me."

Ghost stood beside her, his presence comforting and intriguing.

"I know, I'm sorry," he said softly.

"Why?" She whispered back.

(y/n) sighed, her eyes still fixed on the pieces of her plane realizing that Ghost wasn't going to answer her.

"In all my years of flying. I've never crashed. I've been shot at, bombed, even faked my death with a plane crash," (y/n) let out a dry chuckle, "but I've never crashed. I feel useless, vulnerable.

Ghost's gaze shifted to (y/n), "You're a good pilot. The crash wasn't your faullt.."

(y/n) appreciated his words, but her self-doubt lingered. "I know, but I was distracted. I let Phillip get to me and my work got sloppy. I am nothing without my plane and he knows it."

Ghost reached out and gently touched her shoulder, his touch comforting. "Then prove him wrong. That plane ain't shit without you Specter and you know it."

(y/n) nodded, her eyes meeting Ghost's hidden gaze. She realized that she had been keeping everything bottled up, and perhaps it was time to confide in someone who understood the weight of their shared experiences.

Taking a deep breath, she spoke, "I thought Ghost was cold-blooded. Strange that theres a person still behind that mask."

Ghost's grip on her shoulder tightened slightly, a silent sign of encouragement. "Simon," he revealed, his voice softer than before. "And I trust you enough to share it."

(y/n)'s eyes widened in surprise, a small smile forming on her lips. "Simon... I like that name. It suits you."

"Thank you...?" Simon whispered

"(y/n)," she spoke, her voice carrying a touch of formality.

He nodded, acknowledging the significance of this moment, as he recognized the trust she had placed in him by sharing her real name.

"(y/n)," he repeated, his voice carrying a warmth mirrored their connection. "Good to meet you officially, (y/n)."

At that moment, as they stood side by side inspecting the aircraft, (y/n) felt a newfound connection with Ghost-Simon.

In that brief moment of respite, as (y/n) caught her breath and glanced in Simon's direction, their eyes locked, a silent conversation passing between them. With a steady hand, she reached out, her fingertips grazing the edges of his mask. His eyes narrowed slightly, his breath catching in his throat as he sensed the unspoken intent behind her touch.

And then, with a surge of courage, (y/n) reached out and gently lifted Ghost's mask, revealing the face behind the legend.

She took in every line, every scar, every trace of his true identity. And in that exchange, a deeper understanding began to form between them. Moved by the gesture, (y/n) decided to reciprocate. With steady hands, she reached up and lowered her own mask, revealing her face to him. It was an act of vulnerability, an offering of her true self in return.

For a moment, they stood there, their faces unmasked and their souls bared. Their eyes locked, communicating a multitude of unspoken words. They saw each other for who they were beyond the titles and codenames The walls they had carefully constructed slowly crumbled in each other's presence.

(y/n) closed the remaining distance between them. Her lips met his, a gentle, lingering kiss that spoke volumes. It was a gesture of trust, a bridge forged between two souls who had known darkness and sought solace in each other's light.

In that intimate exchange, time seemed to stand still. The world around them faded, leaving only the palpable connection between their lips.

"This is what you want?" Simon whispered, his breath mingling with (y/n)'s as he pulled away from the kiss. His eyes locked with hers, searching for confirmation, a hint of concern in his voice.

(y/n) met his gaze, her eyes filled with determination and a touch of vulnerability.

With a nod, she affirmed her choice, her voice steady and resolute.


Simon's grip on (y/n)'s hand tightened, his touch grounding her. There was no turning back now, and neither of them wanted to

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